Five -

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"Muña, come" it was Joseph her sweet boy. "Come where my sweet boy?"

"Home, Alyssa, Baelon, Elaena and Kepa wait for us!" A sharp breath left Rhaella. Her babies, her poor, poor babes.

"I cannot my sweet boy!" Rhaella smiled sadly at her boy. "Why is that?" Joseph spoke as he let go of his mother's hand. "Because you are gone... and now I must assure that it does not happen once more."

Rhaella awoke in a warm embrace. "My love." She cried... she had not dreamed of her family since she came back. She could not help but cry as she held into the body that laid next to her own.

Her poor babes. Dead. Rhaella cried after all she had lost her family in such a horrible way. "Ella!" A sweet voice spoke. "It is fine my love!" The voice spoke again. Looking up she saw Laena her big gorgeous eyes filled with worry looking down at her.

"Why do you cry, my Love?" Laena asked as she tightened her hold on Rhaella. "I dream of a family... a family that was taken from me far too soon!" Rhaella confesses.

It had been days since Rhaella left her bed chambers. The embarrassment of everyone seeing her cry was greater than the anger she had at Viserys.

Laena had been by her side the entire time. Rhaenyra still had not been able to speak to her sister. Her only option had been the pathway which was quickly scratched off since it was blocked from inside.

Finally, on the fifth day, Rhaella came out of her room. Rhaenyra had been the first to be informed by Ser Erryk. The eldest sister had been quick to find Rhaella in the gardens.

The light that had been in Rhaellas's eyes was long gone making Rhaenyra cuss out her father. A small smile on both sisters as they reunited.

A hug had been shared between the both before Rhaenyra scolded Rhaella. "What happened to sticking together no matter what?" Rhaella looked down hiding the tears not only from the fight but everything that had happened.

"I am sorry" Rhaella finally spoke. "Just don't ever do that again!" Rhaella nodded as she rested her head on Rhaenyra's shoulder. "Where is the wretched Whore of yours?" Rhaella asked noticing her sister's shadow was not there.

"Probably fucking our father! What about Laena?" Rhaenyra answered. "Had to leave to Driftmark" Rhaella answered.

Both sisters stayed in silence enjoying the warm weather of Kings Landing. "Rhaella," said girl hummed not turning towards Rhaenyra. "Do you know what is to be celebrated at the end of this moon?" Rhaella nodded No.

Rhaenyra could not believe it, it had been the talk of the keep for the last week, but then again her sister had been in her bed chamber for most of that time.

Taking her sister's hand in her own Rhaenyra smiled. "Your name day. Meaning Cregan will come!" A laugh soon left Rhaenyra's lips as she saw her sister's cheeks turn a rosy color.

"But..." Rhaenyra knew what her sister would say. "Father has been planning it!" The small smile Rhaella had moments ago disappeared. "Should we head to my bed chambers and speak!" Rhaella spoke.

Both sisters left.

When they arrived at Rhaellas bed chambers Ser Erryk waited for them with a smile. "I see you and Cregan keep in touch!" Rhaenyra tease as she saw the letters on her sister's table. "Oh, hush! You speak as if Harwin and you do not do the same!" A look was shared between the both as they erupted in laughter.

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