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~ 129 ~

Rhaella and her family had been called back to king's landing by Viserys, Rhaella had been skeptical by the sudden call from the king it had been more than a year since they saw the rotting man. Due to problems in the north Cregan had to stay back.

Rhaella could not help but feel anxious as the day of the departure came. The day it finally came Rhaella said goodbye to Cregan her youngest could only cry as she said goodbye to her father, the Stark could not help but look down hiding his own tears as the girl of 8 cried out to her father.

The eldest of her children smiled at her father a long hug shared between the both before separating. Cregan kissed her forehead as he often did. "Take care my little wolf" Alyssa nodded as she made her way to her own dragon. Baelon and Joseph held their father before mounting their own beast. The flight had taken two days.

When they arrived they had been receive by the King. The four children had been brought into a hug by the older Targaryen who held them the best he could. "Ella, my sweet child" The King spoke as he brought his youngest into a hug as well, Rhaella had to swallow her hate for the man and the look of disgust as he held her. "Your Highness" Rhaella bowed down to Alicent. The older woman bowed down as well.

"Come we must eat you must be hungry" Viserys spoke only to stop when the familiar roar of Syrax sounded making Valaries roar back. Rhaella could not help but sigh her sister had gotten her raven. "Nyra" Rhaella spoke as she made her way to her sister. "Ella" Rhaenyra spoke as she held her youngest sister before turning to her nieces and nephews who were quick to hug her.

"Nyra, what a wonderful surprise" Viserys spoke as he held his eldest daughter. "Father" Rhaenyra spoke.

As the hour grew late the Targaryen- Stark family made their way to the dining hall where they sat on their own side. It had been awkward at first but soon it disappeared as the children spoke among themself, Rhaenyra and Rhaella spoke with one another coming up with an answer to the sudden call from Viserys.

"Rhaella you must be wondering as to why I have called you here?" Rhaella nodded. "I have decided on the union of our house and house stark with the union of Aemond and Alyssa" Rhaella sat there shaking as she looked at her father. Rhaella could not help but feel hatred for the rotting man who sat in front of her.

"NO! NO! No! My daughter will not wed that monster" Rhaella shouted taking everyone by surprise. It was not a secret that Rhaella hated her second brother. "Rhaella he is your brother!" Viserys shouted. "I do not care my daughter will not wed that thing" Rhaella shouted back as she stood taking her daughter's side and shielding her from her father. "Loren take the children away" Rhaella orders her lady-in-waiting. "Muna" Laena cried as she was taken away. "I am not asking Rhaella" Viserys spoke. "No," Rhaella shouted once more. "I am King and you will do as I say" Viserys shouted.

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