Eighteen -

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The day had been busy for the eldest of the Targaryen sisters, her wedding would be taking place today. Rhaenrya couldn't help but sigh as she looked out the window once more, expecting to see her sister's dragon.

It had been two moon cycles since Rhaella disappeared from Kings Landing. They knew where she was but no matter how many times her father sent men for her, Rhaellla would banish to God's knows where. "Princess, allow me to do your hair" Elinda spoke a soft smile on her lips as she nodded allowing her lady to work on her hair.

Gwendys, Lyra, and Luna spoke with one another as they got the dress ready for Rhaenyra, checking to see that nothing had been altered or missing from the dress. "The seamstress spoke with Leandres last night that the Queen asked for a green dress. I just hope he does not pull something as she did on your name day" Luna spoke as she gave Elinda the gold hoops that would lay in Rhaenrya's hair.

Rhaenrya couldn't help but sigh, remembering the stun that whore had done in her previous life. "Let's hope, not or my wine might make its way to her dress" Laena spoke as she entered the room a grin on her lips as she saw her cousin. "And, mother was not able to give you this because your father has been keeping her busy with something" Laena spoke as she handed her a box.

Rhaenrya gave her a look as she opened the box. The tiara her mom had worn many times. The same one she had not been able to obtain when Alicent became Queen, tears dwelled in her eyes as she held it before laughing as she stood hugging her cousin. "Thank you, Laena" The Velaryon girl smiled as her eyes drifted to the window.

"Well we  must get you dressed the ceremony is almost here, and I suppose you want an entrance worthy of a Heir and a Targaryen?" Rhaenyra smiled as her ladies helped her put her dress on. Her ladies looked at her, soft smiles on all of them.

"My lady you look like a Valyria goddess" Lyra smiled as she held Rhaenrya's hand. "Thank you, Lyra. All of you for standing by my side and defending me from the court when I am not able to" Her ladies smiled as some cried hugging their sweet Princess.

Arkel waited for her outside as well as Ser Harrold a Carriage would take her to Visenyas Hill where Syrax waited for her. Both Knights looked at her as she mounted her mount. A soft smile on her lips as she took off to the sept.

Harwin stood in the steps of the sept a soft smile on his lips as he waited for his soon-to-be bride. Viserys gave him a smile from where he sat a tired look on his face but his smile never faltered. His queen stood next to him a scowled on her face. Harwin didn't pay much attention to the Queen as he saw the people of Flea's bottom chanting the name of Rhaenyra as they waited for her.

It didn't take long for him to spot the Golden beast of his Soon-to-be wife. A smile adorned his lips as they all began to make their way to the altar except the king. More cheers erupted as Syrax landed outside the sept, Lyonel stood behind his son as he squished his arm trying to calm him down.

The Dragons that Fell // HOTDUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum