Sixteen -

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A Week had gone by since Daemon and Rhaenys came back from war. News had reached them of Corly's health decline since the war.

Alicent would still not leave her bed chambers, the stares of everyone would make her go back any time she would try. The only one at her side had been Criton Cole. The Knight would do anything to make her smile.

The day of the hearing had come. Both houses were still blinded to why they had been called to the Red Keep. Viserys sat on the Iron throne, Rhaenyra and Rhanys by his side as Rhaella chose to stand by her uncle.

The hearing had started and by the first words that left Visery's mouth, the room became a mess with everyone shouting over each other. Both houses accused one another of the incident of Herranhal that had claimed the life of the youngest Strong.

"That's Enough!" Viserys had shouted as he looked at both heads of the house. "My youngest was almost raped by the men that one of you sent! She was scared. And my eldest my heir had to witness bloodshed at the age of 15! Had to take the life of a man trying to protect herself!" Viserys sneered.

"My King! We would never have sent men to harm your daughters! They are trying to dirty our house name. They are mad that their daughter had to wed my son!" The head of the house Stauton spoke.

"Mad? Why must my daughter suffer with that pig son of yours? My daughter deserves better. But I am no fool to send men after Lord Lyonell's family no less when the Heir to the throne and her sister are there!" The head of the house Bracken sneered.

"Do not play fool! We all know what you think of the king's choice of heir!!" Rhaenyra couldn't help but internally grin. "We all know what you say in the safety of your house about Princess Rhaenyra!"

The head of house Bracken went wide-eyed at the words of the man. His face red in anger as he launched at him only to be stopped by Gold Cloaks.

"What better way to get rid of the woman you believe not worthy to sit on the throne as well as the son of Lord Lyonell! Get back at both of them at the same time!" Taunted Lord Simon Staunton.

"What do you say of my daughter?" Viserys asked his grip on Dark Fyre hardening. "I only say what everyone thinks! A woman should not sit on the iron throne!! A woman is far too emotional to rule to make any decisions! We already made it clear with the council of 101! You should have kept Daemon as heir at least he has a cock!" Both sisters knew they had sealed their faiths.

"How dare you!" Viserys shouted. Rhaella knew this would not be enough though, her father would only do a minor sentence for the house.

"Viserys! Rhaella wishes to speak!" Everyone's attention went to the youngest of the two sisters.  As the fighting between both houses dies down at Daemon's voice.

Her eyes held fear as her hand went to her sword. "Rhaella?" Viserys spoke. "You!!" Rhaella cried at the boy who stood next to the head of the Bracken house. The boy went wide-eyed as he tried to make a run for it. Ser Erryk had launched himself across the room sending himself and the boy to the ground as more guards began to surround them.

"He was there! He-He" The tears started as Rhaella held into her uncle. Daemon held her back as she cried. Viserys grew angry shouting for the boy to be brought to him. "Ella? My little one use your words" Daemon spoke still holding her as Rhaella looked at her father before pointing to the boy. "He is the one who almost raped me, Father" Rhaella spoke in between sobs.

Daemon grew angry as he let go of his niece his hand on Dark Sister as he began to make his way to the boy. Lord Jonos Bracken stood in front of his eldest son his heir as the rogue prince made his way to him. Daemon's eyes held fire as he approved the boy.

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