Thirteen -

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Loren had made her way to the other side of the castle. Stopping for a moment to catch her breath. It was quiet on this side of the castle.

She had to get to the other ladies before anyone else did. Her ears stayed alert for any noise as she ran down the hall. When she finally made it to the wing she did not bother knocking.

Shaking the girls awake it had taken her a moment as they all ignored her at first before she whispered what was going on.

The strong sisters were the first to get off bed as they reached for daggers under their beds. Loren grin. "Stay here and barricade yourselves grab anything you can use to defend yourselves!"

"What of Nyra and Ella?" Alicent asked as she held onto Laena. "Rhaella is alright, however, I do not know of Princess Rhaenyra's whereabouts or if she is unharmed."

"Where are you to go?" Lyanna asked as she fixed her bow. "I should go back and check on Princess Rhaella!" Loren smiled before heading out. "I'll go with you!" Lyanna spoke as she stood bow and arrow in hand.

"No! You stay here and protect them!" Loren ordered as she left. Loren had not made it through half the hallway when a body slammed her into the wall.

The lilac-eyed girl bit her lip as she felt the hands of the man travel through her body. The man did not speak. His lips to busy on her neck as his hand began to bring her nightgown up.

Before anything could happen a gasp and a thump made Loren turn around as she saw the man on the ground his head on the feet of... Arkel.

The mercenary grinned but his eyes held fury. Loren simply turned around making her way to wherever Rhaella would be. "A thank you would be appreciated!" Arkel spoke following her.

Loren did not speak as she kept walking. It did not take long for them to arrive at Lary's office. The entire room was filled with people as the Rhaenyra was taken care of.

Two bodies were covered with white sheets. Loren looked around looking for her Princess. "Arkel, bring my court to the dining room!" Rhaenyra ordered making the knight nod as he left.

It did not take long for everyone to gather around the dining room.

The two sisters ladies had joined them. Alicent had launched herself at Rhaenyra crying and thanking the Seven that her friend was alright.

Rhaenyra seemed to want to push her off but refrained from doing such. Instead hugging the girl allowing her to cry.

Rhaella sat as the maester took care of her injured cheek and leg. Laena by her side the entire time. Loren on the other side her eyes closed, she seemed elsewhere as her hands traced symbols on Rhaellas unharmed arm.

Rhaenyra seemed elsewhere. Whereas Harwin held her. Alicent had moved away from Rhaenyra by the way her shoulders moved it seemed she was still crying. Letter had been sent to Kings Landing explaining the events that had occurred at Harrenhal.

Carriages had been prepared to take the royal party back to the Keep. The last of the men had been found and as of now were already on their way to Kings Landing.

The entire room was a mess with people talking over one another. Rhaellas seemed annoyed at this point her free hand pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Will all of you shut it! My head is about to explode from pain, milk of poppy would be appreciated... I was almost raped and had to take the life of a man to save myself and my sister!" Everyone in the room went quiet.

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