"What I want is for us to be mother and daughter the way we were so supposed to be. I want us to be besties like all my other friends are with their moms" she smiled for the first time since she came to my house that day. "Without the public's judgment and pointing fingers at us"

"I thought that's what we've been doing? We've been bonding" I asked creasing my brows.

"We're getting closer but I like it this way. When it's just the two of us, if you do this everybody will be in our business"

I squeezed her hand in my right before placing my left over the back of her hand. "Stevanna I'm extremely tired of this back and forth. I want to do this, I can't hold this secret anymore. I'll take all of the blame, they can hate me, call me a deadbeat all they want—"

"But you're not, I understand now why you've keep this secret for so long, mom please" she begged raising her voice for the everyone to hear.

Margie, Ken, Preston, Gil and Christopher were now looking at us. Austin stood behind Stevanna putting his hands on her shoulders. "Shhh, she made her mind Stevanna" he whispered in a calming tone to her.

Stevenna looked at me with so much emotion in her eyes, I couldn't look much longer, if I did I would cry. I let go of her hand looking at Christopher from across the room. He was on the phone with someone. He held the phone to his ear with his other hand in his pants pocket.

His face transformed with a raised eyebrow before he looked at me. "Thanks Joey, I'll get back to you" he said hanging up before walking to me.

"Baby Joey's guy found the address the cameras are being watched from, do you know who lives here" he asked putting the phone in my face.

I squinted reading the Californian address. "It looks familiar" I said.

"Let me see" Stevanna asked. She looked at the phone and instantly looked at me like she knew. Before she could speak Ken rudely interrupted us by barraging between us.

He stood frantic with his glasses on a crooked tilt and hit buttoned blue shirt half untuck from his pants. "Hey J we're all ready and set for you to sit in front of the camera" he spoke.

I looked at all of their staring faces. Christopher, Preston, Gil, Stevanna and Austin waited for my next move. "Okay, I'm ready too" I put on a smile as they watched me get up.

In my walk, I strutted with confidence holding my head high and my back straight. Knowing they were watching and Stevanna was depending on me I had to be strong for them. While on the inside I was a nervous reck. I sat in front of the ring light in the stool in front of the lit fireplace.

"Action" Ken spoke from behind the camera.

My eyes looked into the camera, I wore a slight smile on her face and began reading the cards behind the camera. "Hey you guys" I started in my airy voice before pausing. I looked into my lap before looking back directly in the camera.

"There's something that my family and I have been keeping to ourselves for years now. The time has come where I am finally ready to share with you all" I paused seeing someone else's words. It didn't feel right, so I went off script and spoke from the heart. "My first born"

Ken stood behind the camera and began to pull on his hair like a mad man. "Stevanna Jackson is not my niece, she is my beautifully talented daughter" Ken dramatically grabbed a piece of paper to then fan himself as Margie bit her pencil watching me.

"Her father, James Debarge and I love her darley. It's time the world knew what she means to me. She's the first person I think about when I wake up and she's the last person I think of when I close my eyes at night. For reasons my family made the decision for Randy to adopt her. I do not expect the world to understand why, I hope that you all continue to love and respect my family without judgment" I began to smile freely. "It feels so good to finally tell you guys, bye now" I raised my hand and waved at the camera.

Ken ran to the camera and grabbed it from the ring light. His hair was a wild mess and untamed, unlike the way it was five minutes ago. His shirt was also drenched in sweat down his back and some of it sprinkled across his forehead.

He looked to me and I could see the white around his eyes. "Janet what the hell was that" Ken questioned in a frantic tone. "We can't retake that, could you not read" he spoke real firm getting smart.

I tilted her head in confusion squinting my stare. "Who are you talking to like that Ken?"

Christopher stood by my side. "Is there a problem" he asked.

"You people called and asked for my help. Margie and I took time out of our lives to come here. To help you people and you don't even read the damn script" he began to laugh. "Janet I'm losing my patience.

"Then go" I said pointing towards the door. "I don't need you, Ken your fired"

He looked stunned taking one step back catching his balance. "No, I quit" he said in an irreverent tone.

I looked to Margie's panicked stare and widened eyes. "You can go too, you're fired" I said nodding my head towards the door. She creased her brows without budging. "Did I stutter"

She scoffed and grabbed her stuff before leaving with Ken. Once the left the room stayed silent as everyone stood frozen. Until I heard the sound of two hands applauding, it was a slow clap coming from my right. I looked to see Gil applauded with a smile on his face.

Preston joined him clapping in a faster pace and I began to smile a toothless smile. Everyone applauded along besides Stevanna. She instantly looked at her phone. "Bryan got what he wanted" she said looking at her phone. "I can't even read the comments" she said looking at me. "Oh and that was James's house address Joey sent you" she said to Christopher.

"Debarge" Christopher questioned.

Stevanna nodded her head in discomfort. "What's going on" Austin asked.

"Our nanny put cameras in our house and they track back to James. He's been watching us, Janet ima kill him when I see him" Christopher said.
Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed it
as much as I did writing it. Vote and comment for more🫶🏽✨

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