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If anything the prank made my relationship with the kids closer. After one of Janet's shows we decided to go out for food. Denzel sat next to me on my right side while Bryan sat to my left.

"If you want me to help you get Bryan back I got you" he said.

"Yo! I'm right here" Bryan yelled.

Denzel gave me a unbothered look ignoring Bryan. "Do you hear something" he asked me.

I chuckled to myself. "Leave me out of this, if I keep playing with y'all these pranks will never stop" I said.

"It's too late, let me help you" Denzel said.

"Alright" I replied.

"I can hear everything—" Denzel cut off Bryan. "Maniek can you pass me the salt" he said making me laugh.

Denzel and I teamed up to get back at Bryan. He came up with the idea to switch out Bryan's tooth paste with wasabi. "That's evil" I said. "I like it"

"See I knew you would" Denzel spoke.

Denzel and I emptied Bryan's toothpaste before replacing it with wasabi. The next day during soundcheck Denzel and I kept teasing Bryan to brush his teeth.

While Bryan stretched I walked up to him. "Bryan, did you brush your teeth this morning" I whispered.

Bryan immediately frowned his brows scrunching his nose. "What type of question is that" he questioned.

I got closer to his ear placing my hand on his back. "Keep this between me and you Bryan. But you could use a breath mint" I whispered.

He sighed shaking his head in disbelief. "Thanks, I guess your the only one I can trust here" he said scanning the room with his eyes. "I'll go back to the bus as soon as possible"

"No problem" I said patting his back.

Denzel and I walked Bryan back to the bus. He began preparing to brush his teeth in the bathroom. Denzel and I stood outside of the bathroom quite trying to listen in.

Bryan's toothpaste is already green so he'd never suspect it. The bathroom got quiet before we heard an awful scream of terror. Denzel and I made eye contact before running outside like kids.

Bryan erupted from the bathroom bursting out of the doors on the bus. He instantly chased the both of us but stopped once we went in opposite directions. Bryans face was red like a tomato and wet covered in tears.

He held his mouth open sticking out his tongue as he bent over spiting out of his mouth. "Are you ok" I asked getting closer to check on him.

Once I got within arms reach Bryan reached his arms out to strike me. "Oh Shit!" I yelled jumping back.

On our four day break between shows Janet took us to the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute in Alabama. It was a museum of African American history. It was a educational experience especially for both Story and Eissa.

They closed the museum that day just for Janet and also gave us a tour of the place. Both Story and Eissa stood by my side the whole tour. The tour guide talked about segregation.

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