"Then yeah, I'll be ya boyfriend." The cat demon stated.

"Fuckin finally." Angeldust chuckled wrapping his lower arms around Husk's shoulders from behind.

They took the elevator up to their floor.

And Angel took Husk's hand as the two wandered to his room.

Cherri was in his room cuddling with Nuggets on his bed. Angeldust leaned down  and whispered in Husk's ear. "Can I tell ha?" He asked.

Husk facepalmed.
"I don't expect you not to."

Cherri raised her eyebrow.

"We're dating!" Angel cheered.

Cherri stood up on Angel's bed still holding Fat Nuggets.


Husk facepalmed, mainly hiding his blushing face.

Cherribomb got off his bed and handed the pig to Angel.

"He's had two walked. And he theifed my mashed potatoes from dinner."

Angeldust giggled. Holding Fat Nuggets in front of his face.

"You potato fiend!"

Husk chuckled at the sight. Cherribomb left the room. He shut the door behind her. Angeldust took his pig and sat on his bed.

"Can we finish our conversation now?" Husk asked, getting on the bed next to Angel.

Angel looked at him confused.

"Which one?"

Husk facepalmed.
"The only one we didn't finish. Ya know when ya said you don't even know who you are."

Angeldust sighed. He ran his fingers though his hair, he put Fat Nuggets down on the bed beside him and pulled his feet to his chest.

"I was hopin', you'd forget bout dat." He admitted.

Husk shook his head, wrapped an arm around Angeldust.

"No, cause it worries me." Husk stated.

Angeldust turned his head to face Husk, resting his head on his knees. He sighed again, he shifted about a bit nervously. Now he was sitting with his legs folded like a pretzel.

"When I, uh. When I sold my soul to Val, I thought I'd get to be myself, more than I could be in the mob at least. Constantly being called a f***** by ma father even though who I fuck has no effect on my ability to finish a job, made me resent him. I was tired of hiding part of myself. And yet he-ah I am again living a double life and the worst part is. I started out likin' dis shit I thought I was finally fuckin happy with my life. And den I find out just how much shit he added to our deal without me knowin'. I shoulda listened to Cherri."  He explained.

Husk nodded, signalling that he understood.

"I just feel like, Everytime I try to be myself I'm another new version." Angeldust sighed.

Husk put a hand under his chin, he chuckled a little.

"Angel, if ya like being a pornstar and a mobster, why can't ya be both?"

Angeldust sighed.

The two sat discussing the topic of the matter. Angel leaned his head on Husk's shoulder as he cried. Husk ran his fingers through Angel's hair.

"Breathe Ang, you're okay. Get out those feelings but regulate your breathing Webs. Everything is okay right now." Husk assured.

"Can we cuddle?" Angel asked.

Husk nodded.

"Of course."

Angeldust laid his back against his bed, Husk laid in-between his legs resting his chin on Angel's chest floof.

"This good?" He wondered.

"Perfect Whiskas." Angeldust assured wrapping his arms around the cat demon.

They fell asleep cuddled up like that but by morning they were in a position more like this.

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