Chapter 13

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Satoshi Pov

"Looks like I made it just in time are you alright Michiru?" I asked

"Satoshi is that really you?" asked Michiru

"In the flesh but just relax and recover I take care of this." I replied walking forward to face the creature.

"Be careful his spikes on his tail he can launch them and they can explode on contact." said Michiru.

"Thank you for the information." I said summoning brotherhood to face the creature.

"Ah and who might you be?" asked the creature

"My name Is Satoshi Sitri of the Sitri clan and I come to put a end to you." I said

"Fool I will kill." said the creature

"Come them creature." I said before the both of us engaged in battle. The creature was fast swinging its claws at me but I parried the attack with my sword and counters with a short upper swing landing a blow on the creature making it jump back but I was on him by casting ice magic making shards of ice appear and threw them at the creature but he swatted them away but that was a distraction to move in close and land a blow on him causing him to scream in pain. The creature jumped backed and I noticed he started to heal.

"Your not bad for a human to be able to land a hit on me." said the creature.

"Before we continue may I ask your name?" I asked.

"Since you are gonna die I might as well tell you.... names Panthra." said Pantra before he swung his tails and like Michiru said several pikes flew from his tail towards me.

"Look out!!!" said one of the girls but I made a water shield around me that stopped the spikes.

"Impressive but can you handle this?" asked Panthra extending his tail and spun it around shooting more spikes in all directions. I heard a explosion and a scream and looked over to my right to see one of the girls got hit from the barrage of spikes that he shot out.

"Just hang in there Amy we." said the long raven color hair girl. The one called Amy was in bad shape due to the attack. Thinking to myself I have to end this fast before more of the girls get hurt.

"You blonde hair girl with the pigtails get her and yourselves out of here." I said

"Best do what the guys says." said the long raven hair girl taking the one the one they called Ami away to safety leaving me to deal with Panthra.

"You are wise to let the others withdraw now we can fight without distraction." said Panthra.

"I agree." I said getting ready for his next attack. the both of us collided with each other his claws hitting my sword going back and forth once again blocking and dodging each others attacks rang through the air. Panthra almost had me with that tail of his shoot more of those exploding spikes but I dodged and blocked them with my ice and water magic. One of the pikes I missed me by a inch before it hit a tree and exploded. Thinking to myself this creature was indeed powerful I give him that much.

"I must say you are well powerful Panthra." I said wiping a little blood off my cheek from the last attack I landed on him.

"Your not bad yourself but I think it's time to show you  my true power." said Panthra before a black aura surrounded him  making the muscles in his legs bulk up some and his speed doubled. He was fast that I hardly had time to block making me skid back a few feet  but I was still standing.  I must admit I was enjoying myself but this fight had gone on long enough.

"Satoshi." said Michiru making me look to my right to see her staggering towards me.

"You shouldn't be here." I said.

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