Chapter seven

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Satoshi's Pov 

I was sitting in the living room of my families mansion going over a plan to rescue the girls that where being trafficked with my wife, Shizuku, Eleonora and Lu Ming. They were onboard to help.

"So how are we gonna do this?" Eleonora asked

"We need to plan this by ear we can't go in without a plan and put the girls in even more danger." I said

"What should we do?" Lu Ming asked

"We know that the women are being moved tonight I think we should follow  them that will lead us to the rest of the women." I said

"I agree. Eleonora said 

"Then the plan is this we sneak on to one of the trucks and we ride right to were the women are being held and bust the whole operation open." I said 

"Husband I think you are the best at coming up with plans." Tsukiumi said who was serious like I was in rescuing the girls. The plan was all set and all we had to do was wait until tonight and sneak on to one of the trucks. That night everyone was in place Lu Ming and I where in position in the alleyway where the truck was suppose to arrive  Eleonara was with Tsukiumi posing as one of the girls that where being traffic in. The trucked had just pick them up and was taking them to a large building near the docks. After passing several checkpoints the truck drove into the garage of the building while we followed close behind like shadows.  Once the truck had stopped the driver opened the door and was approached by two armed men.

"Took you long enough the boss is getting upset and you know how he get's when he's kept waiting." Said one of the arm gunman.

"Yeah I know but we had two late newcomers that I think the boss would like." Said the driver before walking to the back of the truck and opening the back before Tsukiumi blasted him with her water magic.

"What the hell?" The gunman asked before he and the other gunman where knocked out.

"Good works ladies.  you all know what to do Lu Ming and I will sneak into the upper floors to find the leader of the operation Tsukiumi, Eleonara, and Shizuku will find out where the girls are being kept and get them out let's do this." I said

"Understood my lord." Lu Ming said before the five of us split off. Lu Ming and I searched every floor staying out of site of the guards and camera's that where on each floor.

"Hold Up Lu Ming." I said hiding behind a wall seeing to guards walk by not noticing us.

"Man what I would give to get something to eat right now." Said one of the guards

"Me to I didn't eat anything all day and I'm starving." Said the second guard.

"After this I know a nice a nice pizza spot that has the best wings you can die for." Said the first guard

"Now your speaking my langue." Said the second guard while laughing while walking down the hall.

3rd person pov

Tsukiumi, Eleonara and Shizuku fought their way through a group of guards that where guarding a room where the women where being held. After busting down the door the three of them walked inside to see the traffic girls in cells scared for their lives when they looked at them.

"It's okay where getting you out of here." Tsukiumi said right before the alarms went off.

"Looks like our Lord had gotten the enemies attention best to get these girls out of here." Eleonara said which the others had to agree. Quickly they freed the girls and rushed out of the room. Meanwhile Satoshi and Lu Ming where fighting their way to the main office to confront the leader of the group. Inside the room the leader was sitting on his throne with Diao Chan standing next to him which she didn't like.

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