chapter forty-two.

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unfortunately, today was the final day of the madrid trip. and honestly, camila wasn't ready to leave, she'd enjoyed herself so much.

after an eventful morning, max promised camila that they'd spend the rest of their day relaxing, noticing how exhausted and overwhelmed she'd been after what had happened.

while camila had laid in bed, with max softly rubbing her back in soothing circles, he spent the next half an hour contacting his lawyers.

if this past month had proven anything, it was that he was camila's protector, and he'd do anything to keep it that way, he'd do anything to keep her safe.

promising max she would be okay, camila stayed upstairs in her room for a few minutes to get ready. meanwhile, max slowly went downstairs to see everyone else, all sat around the kitchen island enjoying breakfast.

a few drivers had left early this morning, so now the crowd in the house had lessened.

lewis was fast asleep on the couch with carlos' dog, piñón, cuddled into his side. carlos was busy at the stove cooking his famous pancakes, meanwhile the remaining guests; lando, daniel and bruna were all spinning around on the stools, laughing till tears formed in their eyes.

"what are you doing?" max laughed, as he stared at the trio who were in deep competition.

ignoring max's question, daniel called out '1,2,3, go!' and within seconds, the three of them leaped off the stools, stumbling and clenching their stomachs from dizziness as they tried to run over to the couch.

"i'm gonna throw up! fuck!" bruna laughed, as lando tripped over his feet, gripping daniel and bruna's forearms in an attempt to save himself, but instead sent the three of them crashing down to the floor with a scream.

within seconds, everyone began to burst out into a fit of laughter, and carlos' squawk-sounding cackle echoed through the halls.

getting up from the floor, daniel looked at max, and immediately at the sight of him, came running in his direction, sliding across the floors from the socks on his feet.

at the speed of light, max was being dragged by daniel into a random hallway.

"max!" daniel whisper-shouted; "what the fuck is this!?"

max raised his brow in confusion, looking around the hallway and wondering how and why on earth he'd been dragged here.

"what?" he asked, matching his hushed tone.

daniel widened his eyes as he raised his hand and placed a smack to the side of max's neck, looking at his friend with a warning expression on his face, dumbfounded at his lack of awareness.

"that!" he cried, pointing to max's neck whilst bringing his other hand to tug at the hair on his own head in distress.

max's eyes darted to the spot daniel pointed at on his neck, as he was met with the biggest hickey he'd even seen in his entire life — and not just one, multiple, as he pulled down his shirt, they were all scattered across his chest.

his expression immediately changed from one of confusion to the exact expression of distress on daniel's, throwing his hands up to tug at his hair too. "fuck!" he cried, as daniel brought a finger to max's lips, shushing him in panic.

"it's fine! it's fine!" daniel assured, shouting in a hushed panic as he threw his hands around in the air. "it's not that bad... uh... just cover it!"

'not that bad' was definitely an understatement.

"how am i meant to cover this!?" max stressed, as daniel ran his hands across his face in thought.

𝘽𝙄𝙏𝙏𝙀𝙍, max verstappenWhere stories live. Discover now