chapter one.

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camila rivera and max verstappen were each others assigned rivals. not by choice, the pair didn't despise each-other.

their fathers however, loathed eachother, living vicariously through their children fighting on the race track.

throughout their underwhelming race careers, jos verstappen and hugo rivera were rivals.

so naturally, this caused jos to despise camila and hugo to despise max. jos and hugo would not let their child be beaten by their enemies kid.

throughout max's early career, he was constantly scolded by his father for not being at camila's level yet.

"she's a year younger than you, you should know better. it makes me sick that a 18 year old fucking girl is beating you max." his dad would say to him.

and as much as max tried to agree with his fathers words, they wouldn't stick. he'd expect a bitter taste on his tongue at the thought of camila's name, but there wasn't. a part of him couldn't bare to hate her. he hated the thought of having a similar history like his fathers.

the reality was, jos hated hugo so much because he was beating him. it was the truth. hugo was a 4 times world champion, meanwhile jos hadnt even won a race.

max didn't want to be like jos, he didn't want to hate her for beating him.

he just wants to win.
he wants this championship.
he was going to do whatever it takes.

and so was camila.

camila was a leopard, incredibly athletic, compelling and eloquent.

she was the star of the paddock, the golden girl.

she was gracious with her wins, kind to her rivals, and when something didn't go her way she responded with grace and class.

when sexist comments were made, or drivers would do unfair and immature things on track, camila responded with her talent, brushing aside her critics like dust on her shoulder.

because she knew not to fight back. she learnt that because her father showed her why she shouldn't.

so when drivers or members of the team would ask her where her newfound injures came from, she would brush it off with grace.

and would make sure not to disappoint hugo again.

max, he was a lion. fierce, confident powerful and aggressive.

he was told he was immature, destructive and arrogant.

because that's what his father showed him he should be.

so when he was in a collision on track, or a driver frustrated him, he responded the only way he knew how to.

with anger and aggression.

but he couldn't do it to camila, as much as his father told him to, he couldn't manage it.

but something told him that the 2021 season would change that.

camila was currently with lewis at his place in monaco, they were almost geared up for the 2021 season.

lewis wanted his consecutive championship, adding to the collection of 5 championship trophy's he currently had.

camila however, was determined to clutch her 3rd championship.

it was no secret that lewis and camila were competitive, and when camila joined mercedes in 2017 he was certain he would have to put up a strong fight. he was expecting another mentally damaging rivalry he had just experienced with nico. someone he once called a friend.

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