Chapter 6: Family Secrets

Start from the beginning

"It's not just a boy, mom..." Suddenly, they heard the doorbell. Her mom remarked,

"Who could visit us at such a late hour? Your father is still at work!" Both of them went downstairs and Ava called out,

"Who's there?" Then they heard her father's voice,

"Ava, open the door, I forgot the keys in the car!"

Ava exchanged a smile with Zuri and they headed to the door. However, when they opened it, they were greeted by cold air, with no one in sight on the doorstep. Both shocked, Ava stepped outside, but there was no car in the driveway, only the darkness of the night and the rustling of trees in the wind.

Ava hurried back into the house, closing the door behind her. She rushed to the kitchen and opened a hidden compartment, her face filled with urgency. Turning to Zuri, she instructed her to quickly bring Zara and Zane downstairs. Zuri, confused and alarmed, asked,

"Mom, what's happening?" Ava's expression turned serious as she responded,

"Please, Zuri, just do as I say and bring them downstairs." As Zuri hurried upstairs, Ava quickly dialed her husband's number. When he answered, she urgently whispered,

"Ace, they found us!" Without hesitation, Ace responded,

"Go now, don't wait for me. I will find a way to join you." Ava trembled, whispering,

"I love you," before hanging up. Seeing the kids arrive in the kitchen, confused and scared, Zara asked,

"Mom, what's going on?"

Ava quickly grabbed Zane in her arms and directed the girls toward the hidden passage in the kitchen, which led to a set of stairs. She led the way, followed closely by Zuri and Zara. Their mom illuminated the path with a lamplight, revealing an underground maze interconnected with the city's water pipes.

"We don't have much time, listen closely," Ava began, her voice urgent.

"This world we're living in, it's not our origin. We've been hiding here to protect you from the realm." Zuri interrupted her, blurting out,

"Mom, that's what I was trying to tell you. The realm, I went there." Ava's eyes widened in alarm as she dropped Zane next to her feet. Then, she grabbed Zuri by the shoulders, shaking her.

"Did you finish the test? Answer me!" Zuri was stunned by her mother's knowledge of the test and the realm. Ava's urgent tone snapped Zuri out of her daze.

"Please tell me you didn't pass the test!" she repeated, her voice filled with desperation. Then Zuri quickly responded,

"No, no, I didn't finish the test. Zion, the boy I told you about, got me out of the realm!" confusion clouded her mind as she continued,

"Mom, how do you know? What's happening?"

As Zuri and her mother exchanged worried glances, a deafening explosion erupted from the direction of their house. The force of the explosion slammed them against the walls, leaving them stunned and disoriented.

As Zuri struggled to free herself from the rubble trapping her feet, she heard her sister Zara's screams of agony as fire engulfed her feet. Ava sprang into action, rushing to Zara's side and smothering the flames with a jacket to extinguish them.

Zuri's heart raced as she watched in disbelief, seeing her brother Zane suspended in the air, accompanied by a towering figure. Trembling, she recognized the ominous figure from the alley where she was assaulted.

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