twenty nine | bruised

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"Knock, knock

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"Knock, knock."

I pull the comforter further up the bed, completely covering my face as I groan into my pillows. "No, thank you." I grumble, my voice thick with sleep.

"Can I come in?"

My eyes screw shut even tighter as my bedroom door creaks and a stream of light floods the room.

Never in my life have I resented the morning sun as much as I do right now.

"Are you alive under there?" Logan's deep voice rumbles softly, my mattress creaking as his huge body perches on the edge. The hairs on my arms prick up at the sound of his voice, at the thought of him in my room, sitting on my bed.

Dang him and the unfair biological reaction he causes.

I clench my jaw, squeezing my stuffed bear even tighter to my chest. "Go away. I'm sleeping."

"Really?" He hums. I peak my eyes open and watch through my lashes as his fingers clutch around the top of the comforter. "That's super interesting. I didn't know sleeping people could talk so coherently."

Like the demon from hell he is, Logan slowly draws the covers back and smirks down at my dishevelled form.

Oh, I bet the dang jerko is loving this.

"Good morning." He greets me, the depth of his voice sending an involuntary wave of shivers down my spine.

I blink up at him in disbelief, a million ideas running through my sleepy, cloudy, mind. But one thought prevails over them all. "Can I help you? Or are you disturbing my beauty sleep just for the hell of it?"

Flashing me what I can only describe as a panty-dropping smile, Logan chuckles slightly and rolls his eyes. "If I knew what a joy you were in the morning, I'd have woken you up a long time ago."

"Funny." I huff, rubbing my eyes with my fists to make sure there's no sleep goop gathered in the corners. Now that would be horrifying. "But seriously, is there a reason for this little intrusion?"

"Of course." He confirms smoothly, reaching out and grabbing a tray on my nightstand that sure as heck wasn't there before.

I shuffle up in my bed and sit with my back against the headboard, the comforter now only covering my bare legs.

Logan carefully places the tray on my lap, his hazel eyes momentarily lingering on my small sleep shorts and cami top. He wets his bottom lip slowly before bringing his eyes back up to mine.

"Surprise, sunshine." He waves his hands at the tray in front of me, a look of uncertainty in his eyes.

Well coloured me impressed- Logan Romano is nervous. Again! That's twice now I've made him all shy and anxious, it must be a world record.

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