seven| money on the mind

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"Let's talk money

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"Let's talk money." Nova states confidently, her icy blue eyes piercing into me.

I scoff at her new-found boldness. Where was this confidence earlier? Better yet, where was it when I had to rescue her from my bathroom?

My best guess is that her bravery comes from the fact one of her little friends is watching us.

The small woman brought over my coffee, then she stopped and stared at Nova with wide eyes and a big smirk for what must have been 3 minutes.

Blondie looked like a deer in headlights. Her friend had a shit-eating grin.

She snickered and strode away with her head hung back in laughter. November didn't seem to find the situation quite as funny.

"Aren't we getting a little ahead of ourselves here, sweetheart?"

She scowls just like a tiny kitten that's been petted too hard. It's not in the slightest fucking bit intimidating but it's cute that she's trying.

"How about we talk about the job description before we talk about money, hm?"

We maintain eye contact over the cheap white mug as a I take one long, exaggerated, sip of my drink.

The coffee is barely warm and stale. But I slurp it loudly anyway.

Just to get under November's skin, of course.

She shuffles uncomfortable in her seat. "Just... Just explain quickly. I don't have all day."

Nova's crystal-like eyes anxiously flick between the café counter at the far end of the café and my coffee mug. She's tense. Her shoulders are pushed up high, her pink lips are pursed in a firm line and her fingers are twiddling with a stack of paper napkins.

I'd like to think that her nerves come from the risk that her boss will come out front and catch her slacking off.

The more realistic side of my brain knows full fucking well that Blondie's anxiety comes from being around me above anything else.

It's almost flattering.

"I have a job offer." I start again, smirking slightly as Nova mouths 'you said that already' but doesn't dare let the words slip.


"My dog-"

"Stanley?" She perks up instantly, a small smile teasing her chapped lips.

I nod slowly and tap the silver ring wrapped around my thumb against the table absentmindedly. "Stan is... well, he's a little shit. A total asshole."

"What?" Goldilocks gasps and places a hand on her chest like she's clutching at her broken heart. "He's just spirited! A free personality. Excitable. He's a-"

"He's a fucking nightmare, sweetheart." I deadpan, furrowing my brows and leaning closer to her on the table.

She attempts to glare at me. It's like I've personally fucking offended her. "He was perfectly fine when I was with him. Maybe you're the problem."

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