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"Do you think she's gonna' be pissed?" Jonas asks as we all pile out of the taxi

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"Do you think she's gonna' be pissed?" Jonas asks as we all pile out of the taxi.

I hang back behind the guys and place a $50 tip in the drivers hand. He only drove us back from the bar down the street but I like to tip generously.

It's one of my only redeeming qualities.

"Who's she and why is she gonna be pissed off?" I get ahead of the group and greet my doorman with a semi-polite nod.

He smiles back at me and says hello to each of the guys by name. I guess it's his job to know who comes in and out of the building but it still never fails to impress me.

I can barely remember the name of the woman I was making out with 20 minutes ago but this guy can recall the name of every single person that steps foot in the complex?

That's talent.

"You're new roommate, dumbass." Jonas elaborates with a snicker. "I'd be pretty fucking mad if you just ditched me like that."

"She'll get over it." I mumble, heading straight towards the front desk. I'm beyond relieved to see an older woman sat behind the glass instead of the overbearing, annoying, kinda hot, receptionist.

"Good evening, Mr Romano." Lucille grins at me warmly. "What can I help you with, sir?"

I lean against the glass desk. "How you doin', Luce? Have any parcels for me?"

Lucille has always gone the extra mile when it comes to her job. She's not my personal assistant, nor would she want to be, but she's pretty damn close.

"Only one, but I'm a little confused." She tells me, pulling a package out from the desk and passing it across the counter. "It's to a 'Ms November Levine' but has your address printed on the front."

"Ha! She's already ordering shit to your place?" Carter chuckles. "It's getting serious, buddy. Congrats!"

"Shut the fuck up." I bark at him, inspecting the parcel. What the hell could she already be buying?

Lucille coughs, bringing my attention back to her. "Do I need to send it back to the depot, sir?"

"No, you're fine, Luce. It's correct. It's for the girl living with me." I tell her shortly before darting away to the elevator.

I want to avoid her scolding as best as I can. I'm not in the mood for her questions, her condescending face and a speech on how I 'should be careful living in such close quarters with someone' because I really 'don't want to get the poor girls hopes up'.

"Dude, Lucy looks pissed." Greyson laughs, waving goodbye to her as the elevator doors close. "You're in for a world of trouble with the women in your life."

I lean my head back against the cool metal. "Why are you all so fucking bothered about Nova being mad at me? She won't be. And even if she is, I couldn't give a shit."

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