22 | Bite, Chew, Spit & Mine

Start from the beginning

"That's a word." I smiled.

"Like cuterer." She replied.

"Exactly." I kissed her cheek. Once. Which was a mistake.

Rhea wanted more and she come in closer, softly going to grab my throat. I held her wrist. "I have to go finish getting ready, and you definitely do too."

Rheas jaw tensed. "Do you know how many people would kill to have my hand around their necks, Flo? They'd call you extremely ungrateful."

I smiled softly. "It's not my first choking, not gonna be my last."

Rhea came in closer. "You're getting dangerously close of me committing."

"Committing to what?"

Rhea licked her teeth. "Giving you 28 orgasms."

I tilted my head. "That's impossible."

"Now you're challenging me?" Rhea questioned.

"No..." I whispered. "I just don't know if that's physically possible."

Rhea raised her eyebrows. "I think you'd tap out by orgasm 6."

I couldn't even imagine more than 6... "Now you're challenging me?" I asked anyway, cheekily.

Rhea smirked. "Well now I wanna see you succeed, Angel. Maybe, I need to commit."

I melted into her and accepted a kiss from her. She tasted so good. I didn't care about my lipstick. "Chris is really nice."

"He is." She answered, and that was all she wanted to say about that, she just wanted to kiss and hold me some more before I got out of her arms. I looked back at her and she rubbed over her straight face, turning to lean on the counter a little. Slowly grabbing her things, to I assume go practice with the band. She looked a little stressed, and that really upset me.

When she saw me still there she gave me a smile and walked me back to makeup, seemingly in a good mood again.

The next hour or so I didn't see her again. The show was many two or three hours away, and I had just gotten dressed. I was out by the ring in the crowd, talking to some workers and I couldn't find her. I texted her but she didn't reply, which was really strange for her.


Damien just told me that he's winning the championship tomorrow night, and I couldn't be more excited for him. Rosa beside me was extremely excited, and Ellie couldn't stop buzzing too. "Have you told Rhea and Flo?"

Damien shook his head. "Haven't seen them tonight."

"Oh, I saw Flo out by the ring." Ellie said. "Rhea Is probably there." Everyone agreed and we turned around, going to head and find them, but every single one of us stopped short when we saw Rhea across the room.

She was pacing back and forth in a line, breathing heavy and looking at the ground with her eyes closing and opening. She was trying to catch her breaths, but she couldn't.

I looked to Damien, who looked worriedly back at me.

Ellie and Rosa immediately went to go over, but Damien stopped them. "You'll get your head bitten off, guys." Damien said. "Dom, go." He looked at me.


Does he know she'd bite my head off and then chew it, spit it out?

Of course I was worried, and with Flo nowhere around, it was very weird. "Should I?" I checked.

And Still S2 | Rhea Ripley & Dominik Mysterio | Spicy and PossessiveWhere stories live. Discover now