"Hoard Laws apply to non-living things. Last time I checked, Humans are living beings. You cannot apply those laws to her," I stated, and he glared at me again because I was right. She wasn't a thing he could claim because he found her first.

"It's a female. I can claim her to be mine according to our Consorting Laws," Zorge shot again, and I snorted.

"Those exclusively apply to dragon females, not human females." I refuted his claims again, which finally made him snap. He took a menacing step towards me, standing right before me until our chests brushed, looking me dead in the eyes.

"You want her for yourself. I can feel it," Zorge hissed. I cocked an eyebrow at him. I knew he was sensing my emotions, looking for something he could use against me. I tried to pull up my shield to keep him out of my head, but Zorge's capabilities were potent.

"We can still settle it over a duel," I reminded him instantly, determination blazed in his eyes. "The previous challenge still stands."

"We're going to the training room next. Be prepared to lose," He told me, and I laughed.

"What makes you think you'll win?" I asked.

"Close combat isn't where you get to use your strengths," He reminded me, and I clenched my jaw. Both of us knew he was right. I might not be suitable in close combat, but I was undefeatable in archery. Zorge was planning to use this against me.

"I know what you're doing with that," I gritted, wrapping the human with the fur pelt I initially picked for her. I frowned at the pelt because it was too thin for the cold here. I picked it from the scarce supplies that we supplied the prisoners there. When I picked it out, I hadn't thought much about it, but I should've paid more attention to it.

No wonder she seemed pale and cold.

"That's not enough for her," Zorge growled. He seemed to have noticed the same thing.

"Wait, I'll get—" Before I could be done speaking, he took off his pelt and put it on her. I hissed at him and tried to interfere, but he swatted his hands away.

"I told you to put her somewhere warmer, but you didn't listen to me and see how she's now," Zorge shot at me, making me feel somewhat guilty. I was so busy diagnosing her that I failed to notice such an important thing. Again, Zorge was using it against me. "She's freezing, and you wouldn't even let me check her!" He roared at me, and I glared at him.

"I'm a healer. Don't teach me stuff," I reminded him darkly. Internally, I accepted that I could've done better. I didn't care to closely monitor her temperature because I was mainly used to treating dragons who weren't as temperature-sensitive. Humans were more fragile and sensitive to the temperature. And besides, she didn't have any bit of A-nide in her veins that'd help her fight the cold.

"You're treating her like she's a dragon! Move away! She's a human and needs more attention," Zorge said, scooping her in his arms. I wanted to fight him and keep him away, but the realisation that I had erred made me feel more guilty.

I didn't know much about human health. I needed to read more about that. Again, Zorge was using my slip-up against me.

"Look, she likes it when I take her in my arms," Zorge pointed out. I noticed a small sigh leaving her lips while she gently nudged her head against Zorge's chest, searching for warmth. I didn't know what that small action was about, but it sparked a fire in my chest. I glared at Zorge, but he was intently studying her face. I didn't like it.

"Give her to me," I demanded.

"No, I'm taking her to the guard's room on the first floor. It'd be the best place to keep her now," Zorge said, walking out of the cell. I followed him hot on his tail, not done with him yet. "She feels somewhat content. Previously, she was having nightmares, but she's at ease now. She likes my touch," Zorge boasted, and I wanted to drive a punch to his face.

"She's seeking for any source of warmth. That's all," I stated bitterly.

"And I'm that source of warmth for now. Your healing didn't do shit for her," He shot at me, and this made me stop in my tracks.

"You dare question my abilities?" My growl reverberated through the whole tower. Zorge stopped mildly on the spiralling stairs and glanced at me over the shoulder. He knew he'd crossed the line by questioning my powers. I'd let him get away with anything but not my powers. We might be part of a power grouping, but that didn't mean I'd let him walk over me. He knew this as well.

"No, I'm not. I'll let you stay around her if you don't try to get rid of me every second," he said quietly, continuing to descend the stairs.

"Fine," I hissed and followed him downstairs.


What do you think of these two dragons so far? If they're already fighting so much over her, then wonder what they'd do when she's awake and scheming against them for her escape. Lol, she's going to run with whatever she gets xD

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