Chapter 1

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A/N: Hello, everyone! I'm glad many of you wanted to see another book to this series. If you are new, I highly recommend reading the first 3 as to not have any confusion. Anywho, I hope you guys enjoy this one! As for new chapters, I will write and release them the same day the new episodes drop.

Book 1: No Regrets, Right
Book 2: Gomen... Captain
Book 3: By Your Side



"Hold your horses, Luffy. Geez... we just ate not even an hour ago." Sanji grumbled as he made his way up the stairs to the kitchen.

"Yohohoho!" Brook let out his famous laugh. "It's no surprise Luffy-San has a big appetite."

Sanji huffed, lighting a cigarette. "Yeah, but at this rate, we'll go through the food rations that Kin'emon and the others gave us. "Anyways, I'll have something whipped up in a few minutes."

"Sanji, can you bring me something sweet?" Nami asked, giving him her famous puppy eyes.

"Anything for you, Nami-swan!!!" Sanji turned into his typical fanboy, hearts in his eyes as he twirled to the kitchen.

I let out a chuckle, shaking my head as I turned to watch as Luffy, Chopper, and Usopp ran about with water guns. "Still, it's great to be able to relax like this after all that fighting.

"Usopp, you cheated!" Luffy shouted, pointing a finger at Usopp, who was laughing at Luffy, who just got soaked in water.

Usopp held the water gun up, smirking victoriously. "Nothing can stop the Mighty God Usopp! Bow down before your fearless leader!"

"Oh, yeah?!" Luffy sprayed Usopp in the face as he was laughing. "Who's mighty now?!"

Usopp let out a shocked gasp as Luffy was now the one laughing. "How dare you strike the Mighty God Usopp?!" Usopp took aim. "Take this!"

Luffy jumped out of the way as Usopp shot off water in his direction, only for it to spray me instead. "Usopp!" I exclaimed, wiping the water out of my face.

The two burst out laughing as Chopper ran over. "Usopp, you could've soaked her stitches!"

I let out a chuckle at the Tanaki, rubbing the top of his head as I stood up. "It's fine, I'll just change real quick. Besides, they're not bothering me as much anymore."

After assuring Chopper, I made my way to the room Robin, Nami, and I were in. I quickly changed out of my soaked clothes, changing the bandage to a dry one before walking back out.

As I was walking down the hall, I had a glint in my eye as an idea appeared in my head. Snickering, I changed the direction I was going and towards the guys' room.

Making sure no one was around, I quickly walked in and closed the door behind me. As I glanced around, I let out a sigh of how messy the room was. "Geez, you would've thought a battle went on in here..."

I shuffled through the stuff for a few minutes, sighing as I found some food, assuming it was from Luffy sneaking into the kitchen when everyone's asleep. I was about to give up until I found it.

Smirking, I quickly walk out of the room and back onto the deck, hiding the object behind my back. As I got back, I saw the three were running around once more, Sanji and Zoro seemed to have begun fighting each other.

I glanced over to Nami and Robin, raising an eyebrow. "Why're those two fighting?"

Brook looked over at me. "The same as always."

I nodded my head as I heard Jimbei's Sandler clicking against the deck. "Do they always do this?"

Robin let out a chuckle as Nami sighed in exasperation. "When do they not?" She turned to me. "What you got there?"

I looked at Nami, holding a finger up to my lips. "Just wait and see."

"(Y/N), are your stitches okay?" Chopper asked, walking over to me.

I glanced down at him, smiling. "Mhm. I told you it's fine, just some water, no biggie."

"(Y/N), I'm sorry for spraying you, I was aiming at Luffy, honest." Usopp spoke up, clapping his hands together as he bowed.

I waved him off. "Oh, it's fine Usopp. Besides..." I tilted my head slightly. "It was just an accident, right? No harm done."

Usopp looked up at me, sighing in relief. "Thank you-" He stopped, blinking at me, sweat running down the side of his face. "Uh... (Y/N)?"

I brought the water gun from behind my back, pumping the water, giving him a closed eyed smile. "Prepare to die."

"No! Have mercy on me!" Usopp cried out, running away.

I opened my eyes as I took off after him. "Oh, no you don't. Face your judgment like a man!"

I brought the gun up, aiming at Usopp before spraying him with water. "Ahhhh!"

I stood over Usopp as he fell to the ground, staring down at him. "May he rest in peace." I closed my eyes as I placed a hand over my heart, saluting him. "Farewell, Mighty God Usopp. May your memory live on in the adventures we had."

"Wow, that's super manly right there." Franky cried out, fake wiping a tear. "Died like a true man."

My ears perked up as I heard Luffy laughing from behind me. "He didn't stand a chance!"

I turned around as I saw Luffy sitting on the ground, clutching his stomach as he pointed at Usopp, laughing. "Who said you're off the hook?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

Luffy stopped laughing, face paling as he looked at me. "I didn't do it!"

I pumped the water once more, slowly walking over to Luffy as he crawled back. "But had you not jumped out of the way, I wouldn't have been sprayed. Now die!" I quickly sprayed Luffy in the face, causing him to fall back. "Haha! Bow down before your new Emperor of the Sea!"

Luffy jumped up, pointing at me. "You cheated!"

I raised an eyebrow at him. "How, so?"

"You just did!" Was all Luffy said, unable to come up with a reason.

"All's fair in a game of water battle, Luffy." I shrugged my shoulders, placing the gun to rest on my shoulder. "You could always defeat me to win your title back-" I let out a gasp as I began running. "I didn't mean it seriously!"

I jumped to the side as Luffy's arms stretched out, avoiding being grabbed. "Get back here!"

"I think I'd rather not!" I shouted as I ran up the stairs. "You can have your title back, I promise!" I let out a yelp as Luffy landed in front of me, cutting me off. Without thinking, I brought the gun up, spraying him in the face. "Pfft- Hahahaha!"

Luffy wiped the water off his face as I stopped laughing, realizing what it did. 'Uh oh... I'm in for it now...' I thought as I felt Luffy grab the gun from me.


"Mama, what happened next?!" Haru exclaimed, excitedly as she sat up quickly.

I let out a chuckle at her eagerness, gently laying her back down. "I'll tell you more later. Now go to sleep."

Haru let out an exasperated sigh, flailing her arms. "But I can't wait that long! The suspense is killing me..."

I smiled down at Haru, amused. She denies it, but her and Luffy act the exact same sometimes. "Okay, fine." I gave in, to which she fist-bumped the air in victory. "But don't go complaining that you're tired tomorrow."

Haru smiled widely, nodding her head. "Kay!" I tapped my chin, glancing off in thought.

Published: 04/10/2024

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