Enough is Enough

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The boys in their little practice room all at once practice their dance moves, as Kazuha counts. "Five, six, seven, eight...alright, take a break." Everyone splits into duos heading to their spots around the room to relax in. Heizou puts a rag around the back of his neck while drinking a bottle of water, beads of sweat coming down his neck.

Venti lays on his stomach, as Xiao sits down beside him with one leg up. Kazuha sits a similar way Xiao does but with his arm on his knee. "What do you guys feel about this band stuff?" Wanderer asked. "I love it!" Venti said happily. "I guess you could say I've been solo for a long time, but doing it with others and especially those that wield the some element, I think it'll be awesome!"

Seeing Venti smile had Xiao faintly smile along with him. His eyes stared at his reflection and everywhere throughout the room. "I never thought I'd be in a position like this to be honest. However, Zhongli says he thinks we all would make a great team and make good memories. So, I'll go for it." Heizou chuckled, "Kazuha and I at times would do karaoke together and sing our hearts out. I feel like I'm fine when it comes to singing, but I never really danced before."

"I also think we'll create great memories in this journey." Kazuha agreed. "I'm sure our passion will come through this performance, and bring lots of smiles." Wanderer was focused on the wooden floor as he listened. He plays with the fabric of his shorts before he spoke. "I'm just happy to do it with my friends." "I am, too." Aether agreed.

"However," Kazuha began, all heads turn to face him. "How does everyone feel about liking the same girl?" "I..." Heizou pauses in thought. "Maybe we're just admiring her." Aether said. "Y'know, like a crush?" "Isn't that the same as liking her?" Xiao asked. "Regardless on whether it is or not, I don't know how to feel about this." Wanderer said genuinely.

Venti gets up to be in a more comfortable position. "Maybe it depends on her. Say, how close has anyone gotten close to Y/N? Physically to be specific. For example, I sat close to her shoulder by shoulder while playing my lyre in Windrise." "I did something rather similar." Kazuha smiled. "I was simply describing the colors of the sunset and the maple leaves flying freely in the wind as she fell asleep."

"That's sweet." Aether softly grins at the thought. "I was teaching Y/N how to fight with a sword. I would put her in the perfect stance as we both awkwardly but shyly stare at each other." He chuckles at the end. "I pinned her on a wall." Heizou confesses straight up. Everyone looks at him while it was all silent. Heizou raises his hands up, "Not intentionally, of course. We were play fighting when that happened. Please don't suspect me."

"I wouldn't say I like her. She's just very pretty is all." Xiao avoided eye contact, the tips of his ears turn pink as he spoke. "Oh yeah?" Wanderer asked. "You were staring at Y/N for quite a long time when you danced with her." Xiao stares into his soul angrily. Wanderer saw no problem about it, as he sticks his tongue in a childish manner.

Y/N was heard falling down on the floor with a hard thud. They all heard it at once and was immediately worried. Running out of the room, Y/N was spotted caressing her side. A laundry basket beside her was full of clothes. "Y/N!" Aether called out. "What happened?" Venti asked. "I tripped over dead asleep Paimon." Her words were interrupted by her trying to hold in the pain.

Kazuha helps her up by gently lifting her from the armpits. Y/N's shoes lightly dragged to the round before she finds her way to stand, holding Kazuha's hands for support. "Are you gonna be okay?" He asked softly, but with full worry. Y/N smiled, "I'll be fine." Xiao looks at the messy clothes piled up in the basket. "Are these for us?" He grabs one of the shirts while asking.

Y/N was then reminded after him noticing. "Yeah. Um, I finished them quicker than I thought, and I actually need you guys to try these on. You'll wear them on stage when it's all finished." As Xiao makes eye contact with everyone, they all try their pieces, slowly transforming into their idol selfs. Y/N waits by the fireplace sitting comfortably on the couch. "We're done!" Venti said while the door creaks open.

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