Try Again next Time

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Y/N was sitting on Scaramouche's office chair lost in her thoughts. A piece of paper was laying on the desk, and a pen was still in place in between her fingers. "No, don't think so negative, you never know unless you try." She thought. Y/N was now determined as she starts to write her feelings down from top to bottom.

Scaramouche went out to eat with other Fatui members in the background minding their own business in the beginning night. He was in the same restaurant that Y/N was in. Seeing her enter, he smiles saying, "Hello." "Hey there." She said back with a competitive pout. Scaramouche was sitting at a table by himself, while Y/N takes her chance and goes to him.

Childe, who was sitting beside her, sighs at her leaving but had that gut feeling of something about to go wrong. "What is she doing?" He asked himself. "Hey, Scaramouche." He looks at her hearing his name. "What's up?" "I, um, I-I wanted to give you this." Y/N stutters showing her letter.

"What's this? Is this some special letter of yours, miss Y/N?"A nosy man asked. Y/N bumps him to the side using her hip. "This is none of your business." Instead of him backing away, he snatches the latter from her hands, showing it to everyone there while speaking loudly. "Is this some love letter of yours?" He ask, teasingly. He walks anywhere he can as Y/N tries to take it back.

Someone assuming to be his friend takes it from him. "Miss Y/N, miss Y/N, I got your letter right over here." His friend he took the letter from giggles walking to him. "Confession time!" "Would you cut it out?" Scaramouche said, but nothing different happens. Other than it getting worse, of course. "Why don't I read it for everyone one to here?" He asked taking the letter back from his friend, unwrapping it in excitement.

"Nagi, are you actually gonna read it?" His friend asked. Nagi ignores him while reading her written confession. "Woah! She went all out, how pathetic can you be?" Y/N holds in her frustration watching him tease her. "Here it goes! Scaramouche, after those s'mores we had together at the campfire, I felt so happy." "Nagi." Childe called.

"Maybe "Scaramouche sunrise" won't be just some random phrase. In fact, it's actually how I feel about you. You are my sunrise when the sun rises above the horizon." "That's enough." Scaramouche demanded, but he doesn't obey. "It's that moment I've build a new friend. Why are you so desperate?" He asked Y/N, who was still chasing him around the restaurant. "Is it too embarrassing for you?"

"Why should I be embarrassed? You have absolutely no right to be making fun of my feelings." Nagi gets a little irritated hearing her talk back but brings his bright yet annoying personality to Scaramouche. "So, you gonna accept it. This cheesy confession hers, Mr. Sunrise?" Scaramouche comes over to him and snatched the letter from his hands. "Scaramouche." She said as he sighs. Him looking at Y/N had her concerns asking, "What's wrong?"

"Confession time! Confession time!" Nagi cheered. Scaramouche grabs the collar of his shirt, quickly shutting him up. "That's quite enough of your nonsense. It's sweet of you assuming you see us as a couple, but rather picking your nose into someone else's business is just plan rude. And also, never refer me as. "Mr. Sunrise," knowing I'm more of a higher rank than you."

Scaramouche let's go after ending his scolding, as the two caught in trouble now run out of the restaurant in fear of the Harbinger. "Y/N," he called getting her attention. "People like them are the reason why you don't do cheesy confessions in public. Me feeling embarrassed is turning to anger, so I really don't wanna lash at you for doing so." He grabs a flower from it's small vase on his table behind her, putting a strand of hair behind her ear before putting the flower on it.

"Just choose a more private location when you want to talk to me, okay?" He said, giving a small smile as he brushes the edge of her chin with his finger. Scaramouche goes near the entrance to pay and retrieve his receipt. Y/N noticed, so she follows him by his side. "You're not embarrassed by my letter at all?" She asked, a little worried at the thought.

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