Malak POV

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 I made a bath for her with the finest wine and grapes. I had soaps lined up for her to clean up with. She's been needed to wash up since the fourth realm from the sewage. The spell was working as the water bubbled within the tub, the runes were lit with activation. I had a glass of my own wine in my hand watching her undress and slip within the water. Waiting for her to relax and let her guard down for me to slip within the room to join her. I chuckled as I watched her play in the water falling deeper into the spell. My other hand started going down south on myself as I watched her closely, taking a sip from my glass.

I spat my drink out as the Reaper Nurse barged in on her, waking her from my trance of the runes. "FUCKING HELL WOMAN! YOU HAD ONE JOB!" I threw my wine glass to the ground in frustration. I had her, I had her in my grasp. Never trust someone else to follow one simple job. As she broke through the spell, I watched her run around as she collected the soul shards of the realm. My eyes held a mixture of admiration and frustration. This dance of emotions towards this woman, this cunning, ruthless, and yet adorable creature, was a fascinating one indeed. Within the depths of my being, a fierce internal struggle rages like a stormy sea. In my years of existence, seldom have I been so consumed by anger, yet your actions have ignited a fire within me that refuses to be quenched.

Despite my efforts to remain composed, your actions have wounded me deeply, leaving me with no choice but to embrace the ruthless nature that now courses through my veins. The line between violence and restraint blurs as I grapple with the conflicting desires for justice and mercy. The fox now swims with the shark, a deadly dance of predator vs predator. I am compelled to make you pay for your actions, to watch you suffer as retribution for your rebellion. But beneath the veil of my wrath lies a whisper of doubt. A lingering question of whether ruthlessness truly serves as a sign of power and strength over her to become mine.

"Betrayal cuts deeper than any blade," I growled, eyes blazing with fury. "Those who dare to betray me will suffer a fate worse than death itself. For in the realm of demons, betrayal is met with a punishment that echoes through eternity. Betrayal cuts through the heart like a poisoned dagger. I gave you luxuries I can offer, and you turned them down." As the flames danced around me, casting eerie shadows on the walls of my domain, my words echoed through the darkness, a chilling reminder of the ruthless nature of the underworld. "Those who dare to deceive me shall face a punishment that echoes through eternity, a fate reserved for those who dare to challenge my reign."

As I confront the turmoil within me, a voice whispers that ruthlessness is a form of self-preservation, a necessary armor in a world where kindness is often mistaken for weakness. The dichotomy of my emotions, the battle between compassion and cruelty, threatens to consume me as I grapple with the weight of my decisions. I will offer you a final chance, a slim lifeline in the darkness that surrounds us. Will you heed my warning, or will you continue to dance on the razor's edge of fate? The stakes are high, the risks great, but the rewards could be equally monumental.

My pride is like a damsel in distress, lingers in the shadows of my soul, resisting my attempts to expose her true nature. She struggles against my grasp, unwilling to surrender to the truth that lies beneath the facade. But I am determined to reveal her true self, to unravel the threads of her deception and lay bare the vulnerability that lies at her core. She needs me and I need her. The weight of judgment, while my red glow illuminates the darkness. The time for pretense is over, the time for truth has come.

I teleport to my most faithful minions with unwavering determination, I march forward to their castle, broken yet the fireworks light it up with the sky. I summon the three monsters of this realm, they never failed me before. I assert my dominion over her, proclaiming her as mine and mine alone to them when she enters their world. The intensity of my voice matches the fiery passion burning in my eyes. There is no room for doubt or hesitation. I will stop at nothing to claim her, regardless of the price to be paid. "She is like a spider sneaking around. Cute as a button, she may be, but beneath that charming facade lies a heart that can be as cold as the deepest abyss of the frozen north. But it's that ruthlessness of hers, oh, how it grinds my patience. She plots and schemes, moves pieces on the board like chessmen without a second thought. A dangerous game she plays, our little vixen." A scowl crossed my face, black smoke rising from my nostrils, yet there was a certain fondness there, a twinkle in my crimson orbs. "She's cunning, my love, cleverer than the slyest fox, more ruthless than the tide eroding cliffs than she knows. I'm a demon of fire and fury, but I have a heart of gold to her." I spoke with a peculiar blend of fondness and bitterness. My words were a dance between admiration and anger, each sentence a testament to the complexity of my lover's nature. Amused, allowing a hint of affection to seep into my tone. "Her cunningness is a double-edged blade, slicing through my minions with ease, at times a mere spectator to her relentless pursuit leaves me in awe. Do what you must to stop her, trap her here even if you must."

My loyal minions, well aware of the gravity of my words, bow in agreement, their loyalty unwavering. The air becomes heavy with anticipation, a palpable mix of excitement and trepidation. Every detail must be meticulously attended to, every step calculated and precise. My minions, well aware of the significance of the task before them, nod in understanding, fully comprehending the weight of their responsibilities.

The rabbit nodded in excitement. "Don't worry boss, they never get past us. This is gonna be fun." I looked at the pig and told him not to eat her. He looked down at his feet in disappointment. The chicken laughed and made jokes about playing with them or if they were cute. They scurry to their positions, readying themselves for their work. They move in understanding, knowing their certain tasks at hand. No one else matters, nothing else exists at this moment. Their readiness is crucial to our success, she is the prize, the reason for this grand scheme. In this moment, nothing else matters no matter what, for she is the prize that fuels my every move. Let them break her for me to save her as a knight in shining armor. The stage is set, and the anticipation builds as we inch closer to the culmination of our grand plan.

I teleport back to my room to sit in front of my crystal ball once more looking at her fiery eyes as she leaves the nurse's realm. She's making the powers of the rings hers, they can sense it like I can. She's becoming more like me than she knows, they can see she's untouchable with the piece in her hands. She glows in her fiery passion to get back home. "You are ready, my faithful?" I ask, my gaze never leaving her image in the mirror. As I gaze upon her image in the ball, the very embodiment of my desires.

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