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"Thank you so much for coming, see you next time" I said to the last customer
Finally I thought
It's been a long day dealing with customers and serving but done. Can't wait to get back home to my nice comfy bed. It was dark and chilly here, I think 11pm.
You might be wondering why do I work so late, welllll....
My name is Amelia and I've been working since I was 16, well no one wanted to hire me because I was so young but after lots of pleading someone finally hired me. An old couple which are the owner of this restaurant, they saw me as a lonely poor girl with no parents and jobless well you would think the same if you were in their shoes but I'm forever thankful to them because I've been working there for like forever. It does not pay that large but it's enough and provides the basic. I've been an orphan since when I was 6 years old, survived on the street till I finally got a job.

I was busy cleaning up and getting ready to leave because it's almost midnight and have to work tomorrow too. As I was cleaning I heard a really loud bang! Shit are we getting robbed. Then suddenly large men in suit started walking in, they all looks so trained and armed and they got that face of 'don't mess with me' but then I spotted a really tall and muscular man at the middle, he walked confidently like he owns the place, nah the world. He has some dangerous aura around him that you could tell that he was powerful, his gaze cold barely showing any emotions, looks so intimidating, eyes darkened like no soul in it.

He looks so evil.

He is suprisingly handsome, he has a perfect sculpted face, with his black hair, and grey eyes and that scar...! "Where is James" The man by his left interrupted my thoughts. James, he is the manger of this restaurant, fat, old, bulky and don't forget rude and a pervert, he is a married man with kids but you could tell he is unfaithful. "He's at the back in is office" I replied a little scared at his intimidating figure. Everything seems to freeze around here. "Well go get him" another man growls. Well you're not gonna tell me twice.
I hurriedly left their sight In search of the so called manager, I quickly barge into his office frightened "What the hell slut" he spits out. 'Oh fucker wait till I deliver the news', I internally rolled my eyes. "Some huge men in black suits with guns are here and they don't look nice and they called for you" I quickly said the his face instantly goes white. Ha! So he's scared my mind said
Wait so am I
I ignored my mind. He quickly gets up searching for God knows what then looks up at me "What are you waiting for GO!" he barks. 'Bruh chill I'm done here, you got yourself into this mess don't try to put it all on me' I really wish I could say that but nah I need this job for real.
Like again I quickly run off to where the devil's and his demons are, 'oh why does it have to be me I Internally screamed. I could be home now but no! I just had to do night shifts', I blamed myself. I rushed back then and see them all still at their spots and even looked more intimidating except the one I think his the boss who took a seat at one of the chairs even more intimidating and hot- Wtf is wrong with me" he's co-o-ming" I said barely audible and really frightened, they all just nod except from him who just keeps staring at me, his eyes piercing right into my soul. I lowered my eyes unable to continue his gaze

Suddenly there was footstep which made him turn away. 'oh thank God'. It was James who hurriedly got on his kneels with a bag pack, I have never seen him this scared before, I don't think this would be the best time to laugh because I really want to. "So who do we have here" The man at the left says while staring coldly at James
"I'm sorry it took time I just..." He was cut of rudely by him, the one i think he's the boss" where's my money" His husky cold voice booms around the restaurant, every where became silent, where tf are the crickets "it's here not just complete, but I promise you I will get it before..." Before he continued his sentence he was cut of by a large sound oh wait a gunshot... He shot him!!! What the!!
James was shot... In his stomach, a long, loud scream immediately came out from my mouth before I could stop it. I quickly put my hand on my mouth to stop the sound but it was too late, everyone was already staring at me, like I mean everyone. Suddenly I wish the ground should swallow right now, because I was so scared, literally shaking.

Blood!! So many Blood!!

"Take him" the devil said while staring coldly at James almost lifeless body, then he looked at me. Oh no!! "And the girl too" he said coldly before walking out of the restaurant with some men trailing behind him. Then i saw the men walking towards James. Wait what...
Me! The girl! That's me! My mind kept thinking what the fuck just happened, I was literally shaking right now, wanted to run but my body was too slow because I saw a large man walking towards me with his hand tightened around around a gun raised and before I knew everything went black...
That was the prologue I hope you guys liked it, took my time
This is my first story or second hehe
Make sure to comment and vote
Love you guys❤️
RACHEL GOLD❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Not EDITED. No rude comments pls, if there are comments

1022 words❤️

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