Jayden flashed her a reassuring smile, the silent promise of solidarity passing between them. Together, they stepped out of the car.

As Jayden and Isabella made their way across the school parking lot, their steps synchronized in silent camaraderie, they were unaware of the curious eyes that followed their every move.

Among the throngs of students milling about, a boy with a confident swagger caught sight of Isabella and felt a flutter of attraction stir within him."Hey, Isabella!" the boy called out, his voice tinged with nervous excitement as he approached.

"I saw your live. You were really funny !"Isabella's smile widened at the compliment. "Thanks," she replied, her voice tinged with genuine appreciation.

But before the boy could muster the courage to ask her out, he caught sight of Jayden's steely gaze, a silent warning that spoke volumes without a word being spoken.

His confidence wavered, and he stumbled backward, his foot catching on an uneven patch of pavement.With a startled yelp, the boy lost his balance, arms flailing as he fought to regain his footing.

Jayden couldn't help but chuckle at the sight, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes as she watched him stumble."Smooth move, Romeo," Jayden quipped, her voice laced with amusement.

Embarrassment flooded the boy's cheeks as he scrambled to his feet, his cheeks burning with embarrassment. "Uh, sorry," he muttered, his gaze darting between Jayden and Isabella. "I, uh, gotta go."With a hasty nod, the boy hurried away, eager to put as much distance between himself and Jayden's death stare as possible.

Meanwhile, Jayden and Isabella shared a knowing look, their laughter echoing in the air as they continued on their way.

The school bell rang, signaling the start of another day, and they knew it was time to part ways for now.

With a lingering embrace, Jayden and Isabella hugged each other tightly, a silent promise passing between them to meet up later. As they separated, their gazes met, a shared understanding lingering in their eyes.

"See you later," Jayden said, her voice soft but filled with warmth.

Isabella smiled in response, a flicker of excitement dancing in her eyes. "Can't wait," she replied, her voice tinged with anticipation.

With a final wave, Jayden and Isabella went their separate ways, disappearing into the crowd of students bustling through the school halls.

As Jayden made her way to her first class, her mind still buzzing with the events of the morning, she was caught off guard by the sudden appearance of a familiar face. It was Olivia, the older sister of the boy who had stumbled upon them earlier, her expression dark with anger.

"Jayden," Olivia said, her voice low and menacing as she stepped into her path, blocking her way. "We need to talk."

Jayden smirked at the sight of her, knowing that trouble was looming on the horizon. But she squared her shoulders, refusing to back down in the face of her aggression.

"What do you want, Olivia ?" Jayden asked, her voice steady despite the unease swirling within her.

Olivia's eyes narrowed as she took a step closer, her fists clenched at his sides. "You think you can just waltz in here and steal my brother's girl?" She spat, her words dripping with contempt.

Jayden's jaw clenched at the accusation, her temper flaring at the injustice of her words. "Your brother made his own choices," she shot back, her voice laced with defiance. "And Isabella is her own person. She can choose who she wants to be with."

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