
23 3 15

Jayden POV

This morning is going to be really boring . I hate Tuesdays they are so bad my classes are terrible . I think I'm gonna skip today .. my attendance is so bad I have like 320 lates and 201 absents . I missed so much last year . Almost a whole year but atleast I learnt how to make money instead of learning how to analyse a stupid poem . I skip almost every Tuesday anyway .

I notice that Isabella woke up "Good morning ,princess " i pause realising what I called her . We call each other baby and babe and stuff but it's still a bit weird since we aren't together ..yet

"Good morning baby " her morning voice is literally making me wet ... she sounds so hot omg . "What time is it ?" She sits up and looks at me as her eyes are slowly closing again .

"It's ok we still have time you can go back to sleep if you want " feeling her warmth against me ,she rests her head on my chest and wraps her arm around my stomach . I put my hand around her waist I can't help but feel a sense of contentment, despite my earlier grumbling about the day. Maybe Tuesdays aren't so bad after all, especially when they start like this with Isabella.

As she moves closer I can't help but smile . With her in my arms everything feels right . Our silence got interrupted by a certain someone walking into the room . God this kid annoys me more than anything . I hear him sigh but I don't do anything and neither does Isabella , I know she's awake because I can feel her breathing against my neck . Jason sighs again even louder .

" What do you wantttttt" Isabella throws a pillow at him and lays her head back onto my chest .
"I need a ride , I know yall ain't going to school today " he's not wrong I was planning on staying but I don't want to drive this early , I can't be asked .

"And what makes you think you can stay home ?" Isabella is clearly annoyed , she gets off me and walk towards her brother she pushes him out of her room and leans against the doorway . "If you don't go to school I'll tell mum " this makes Jason look down in defeat

" You're so annoying " He huffs and walks away back to his room muttering something under his breath . Isabella shuts the door locking it this time. She comes back to the bed and lays down next to me . I'm on my phone replying to friends , I can feel her eyes on me but the position I'm in is too comfy so I don't turn around . " Jayde " her voice is low and I ain't even gonna lie it turned me on .

"What" I say as soft as possible not trying to come off as rude , I turn around to face her.

" your just so cute " she whispers , she almost immediately turns around and picks up her phone.

"What ?" I smile at her comment
"Nothing " her face turns red
"Why'd you look away "

She turns back around to face me , I run my fingers through her hair . "Why haven't you asked me to be your girlfriend yet " she asks in a sad tone .

" do you want me to ?" I smirk at her slowly inching closer . She nods her head once but slowly .

I get on top of her and straddle her "will you be my girlfriend ?" I pull her chin up and place my lips onto hers , we start making out . Her lips are so soft they're addictive, this is better than any drug you could take . She starts to sit up slowly , our lips still connected . She's leaning on her headboard and I'm still straddling her , one of my hands finds it way around her neck and the other gently caresses her cheek . She pulls me in closer by my shirt and starts to rub my thigh up and down . I put both my hands under her shirt , resting one on her stomach as the other finds its way to her bra .

She slowly pulls away " I'm sorry I can't " she gently pushes me away . (it's for the plot trust) Her eyes go everywhere except from mine . "Hey it's ok I get it " I get off her and sit next to her I rub her arm as she lays her head on my shoulder .

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