
44 3 14

Jayden's POV

It was now 4pm all day I was think of what to wear and what I'll say to her . I always knew i was a bit fruity but I've never been with a girl .

I decide to go on my phone and play some music lil peep to be exact just to pass the time until 5 which is when I'll start getting ready . I've had a connection to music especially electric guitar since me and my mum used to play before she died . Ever since that night I always blamed myself for the accident . She was on the way to a show I had played at , it wasn't big just me and some friends playing in front of like 50 people . I always wondered if she would've lived if she didn't drive to watch me . Ever since that night 2 years ago I've been scared to pick up my electric guitar.
I had a guitar pick necklace to remind me of my mother .

Before I knew it 5 pm came by and I was putting on some cargos and a hoodie it was simple black cargos with a black hoodie that was covered by a grey T shirt .

"You look emo " Casey said as she walked into my room

"Ye well maybe I am emo " I laughed " atleast I don't listen to billie eilish " Casey starred me down

" I don't listen to lil peep and plus I know you listen to some billie eilish "

She's starting to annoy me now "atleast I don't cry every day over nothing " I said clearly annoyed

"Atleast it wasn't my fault mom died "

I stare at her blankly , she went too far . I know I shouldn't have continued it but that , that was crossing the line .

She looked back at me finally realising what she said "Wait , Jayden I didn't mean-"
I cut her off by pushing past her and out of my room .

I'm lucky I keep all my things in my car because at least I wouldn't have to go back and see her to get my thing .

I walk to my car and she follows behind "Jayden I was only joking , I didn't mean what I said I swear " I don't listen just walk

I get into my car (BMW e36 m3) it's not the newest but it's a cool car and drifting in it is so fun . Sometimes when things are just too much I go into empty parking lots and start drifting or doing circles it's like therapy .

I pick up my phone and plug it into my car and start blasting ghost boy lil peep.
"I know you didn't mean it " I say nonchalantly

"Jayden please just get out the car " she has her hand on my window which was rolled down . " you still have and hour and forty minutes till your date "

"Casey just leave me alone " I'm on the edge of tears but I can't let her know I just can't .

She backs up a bit excepting defeat "just be safe jayde "

" don't call me that "
As soon as I say that I drive off with tears rolling down my eyes , even if she didn't mean it , it was still on her mind .

It's now ten minutes until 6 and Ive just been driving for thirty minutes , I have no idea where I am but it's fine cause I have Google maps .


Isabella: can't wait to see you

Jayden: same

Isabella: what are you doing rn ?

Jayden: nm

Isabella: are you okay ??

Jayden : sure

I get off my phone and start driving as fast I could down an empty road . My sister was right I do listen to a bit of Billie Eillish and currently listen before I go is playing . This song does things to me !!! And not in a good way .
Maybe it was my fault mum died . I speed up and take a glance at my phone . This road was very long and empty for the most part .

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