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Heading to the Race Jayden revs the engine of her sleek, modified car as she cruises through the dimly lit streets of the city, heading towards the clandestine location of the illegal street race.

The hum of the engine fills the air around her, mingling with the pulsating beat of her favorite adrenaline-pumping music. She's hyper-focused, her mind buzzing with anticipation for the upcoming competition and the hefty £10,000 prize at stake.

Jayden calls her close friend and fellow racer over the Bluetooth in her car. His voice crackles through the speakers, the excitement of the impending race evident in their tone.

"Hey Ash, you ready for tonight?" Jayden asks, her voice laced with a mix of determination and anticipation.

"You bet, Jayde ! I've been fine-tuning my ride all week for this," Asher responds, his voice filled with equal parts enthusiasm and confidence.

Jayden's grip on the steering wheel tightens as she navigates through the city streets, her mind drifting to him, the formidable racer she's determined to beat tonight.

"You heard about the new guy in town, right? The one with the souped-up Mustang?" Jayden asks, her tone tinged with a hint of competitiveness.

Asher lets out a low whistle. "Yeah, I've heard the rumors. They say he's a real threat on the road. But hey, you've got this, Jay. You've beaten tougher competition before."

Despite Asher's words of encouragement, Jayden can't shake the gnawing feeling of rivalry that simmers beneath the surface. She knows she'll need to bring her A-game tonight if she wants to come out on top and claim the £10,000 prize.

As Jayden and Asher continue their conversation, they delve into the intricacies of tonight's race. They discuss strategy, analyzing the twists and turns of the street and plotting their approach to each stretch of road.

Jayden's competitive spirit ignites as she envisions herself crossing the finish line first, triumphantly claiming victory over her nemesis.

With each passing mile, Jayden's determination grows stronger, fueled by the prospect of outmaneuvering her rival and seizing the coveted prize. She knows the stakes are high, but she's prepared to push herself to the limit to achieve glory on the streets tonight.

Jayden's phone buzzes, breaking the silence of the evening as she prepares for the upcoming street race. She glances at the caller ID and sees Isabella's name flashing on the screen, a wave of conflicting emotions washing over her. With a mixture of curiosity and apprehension, she answers the call.

"Hey, Izzy," Jayden says, her voice betraying a hint of uncertainty.

"Hey, Jayden," Isabella responds, her tone hesitant yet earnest. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything ."

As they exchange pleasantries, Jayden can't help but feel a twinge of nostalgia at the sound of Isabella's voice. Despite the pain of their recent breakup, there's still a lingering connection between them that refuses to fade away.

"So... why'd you call?" Jayden asks, trying to steer the conversation towards more neutral territory.

Isabella pauses for a moment, as if gathering her thoughts. "Actually, can we FaceTime instead?" she suggests.

"Sure," Jayden agrees, her curiosity piqued by Isabella's request.

With a few taps on their phones, Jayden and Isabella switch to a FaceTime call, their faces appearing on each other's screens. Jayden's heart skips a beat as she takes in Isabella's familiar features, a rush of memories flooding back to her.

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