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Tw potentially disturbing content ( trauma and stuff)

*isabellas POV -*


I wake up to the sound of my parents arguing , I brush my hair and go to change my clothes . Jason comes in my room as I'm preparing my clothes , he has tears in his eyes .

''how long ? '' I ask him

''Almost an hour '' he says as a tear rolls down his cheek , he quickly wipes it and pretends he wasn't crying

My parents have been arguing for almost an hour now what the fuck , they always do this but this time its different . This times my dad tells my mum to sign the papers .

''What paper ? ''I ask Jason with a concerned look

He looks at me and burst out crying , hes a year younger than me , me being 17 and him 16 . I go to hug him but remeber hes a dick and made fun of Casey. Me and Jayden were on FaceTime all night and she told me about what happened .

''I guess now Casey has something to make fun of you of '' I said trying to cheer him up , it did as he giggled a bit.

I pick up my phone and go to text Jayden  .


Isabella: What time ?

Jayden : 7 ?

Isabella : Sounds good

Jayden: Cant wait

Isabella: me too!

*out of messages*

I put my phone down and I see Jason starring at me . He smirks at me

''Whys your face so red huuuuuh '' He nudges me and laughs a bit

''I'm going on a date at 7 so feed the dog alright? '' I reply with a smile on my face

''Who's the lucky guy? '' he says dragging me onto the bed and making me sit trying to get me to tell him everything

''Wait and see '' I giggle and shrug my shoulders

''Ugh your so annoying '' He says laughingly

I get up and grab my clothes , A cream coloured tank top and a black zip up with some sweatpants , Jason leaves and I get changed .

-time skip 4pm-

I've just been doing my hair and watching TikTok's  I also finished putting up some posters in my room i was suppose to like a week ago . I go to the corner shop to get some snacks . I buy some Doritos I also get two Lucozade's and a bag of Maltesers .

*Sorry to leave off like this and if its getting a bit boring but its the last day of school and i have to get up at 6 am it currently like 9 and ik thats early but I have get gifts for my friends and stuff for Christmas *

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