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A Quiet Funeral
June 12th, 1979.

     Mallory's head felt like it had been hit with a mighty hammer. Her head kept pounding and pounding at every little noise, and she could barely open her eyes. That was due to the alcohol from the night before. Regulus and her thought it would be wise to share a drink—but a drink turned into multiple ones. And before they knew, both had passed out on the sofa upstairs in each other's arms.

There was a good reason for drinking: the funeral. Today, Mallory had to wear her blackest dress and accept condolences from people invited. But she did not want to hear anyone or anything. She wanted to be left alone, in her room with a bottle of firewhisky.

"Mallory," Regulus' groggy voice reverberated through the manor as he leaned against the doorframe, watching her put on earrings. He rubbed his temple, earning a chuckle from her. "What is it?"

"Is Regulus Black hungover?" She teased.

"Well," he started, clearing his throat. "After all we've drank, I reckon I am."

"I thought you could handle alcohol a bit better, Reg," she teased once again as he rolled his eyes, keeping a smirk on his face. "Is it time?"

He looked down at his watch, nodding, "Sadly, yes. Are you positive that you want me there? I can wait here and help Pilm in the kitchen."

"Of course I want you here," she said with a frown, looking back at him. "Besides, Pilm will never let you near the kitchen. She thinks you might steal her job after all."

Quietly, Regulus agreed and offered his arm for her to take. His mother's owl had reached home the night before in which she wrote her deepest condolences and wished Mallory all the goods in the world. If Regulus was not mistaken, his mother was head over heels for Mallory Abbott and so was he. If he recalled, multiple people who loathed him would be there–the Prewett, Sirius, the Potter and Remus Lupin. All her close friends.

Reaching the graveyard a bit early, he walked her to the hole where her parents' bodies would be laying soon and let out the silence surrounding them. Regulus had always been taught to keep it quiet in graveyards as a sign of respect, which Sirius found weird.

"Mal, hiya," Remus Lupin's voice echoed behind Regulus as his cologne got stronger while he walked past to hug Mallory tightly. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine, Remus," she whispered back. "Dumbledore told me it was war and I had to move on," she then told her friend.

Remus wrapped an arm around her shoulder, kissing the top of her head, "Don't listen to him. He doesn't know what grief is, Mallie."

Then Sirius showed up, he gave Mallory a hug as well and bowed his head to greet Regulus. Thankfully, none of them questioned Regulus' presence and he was thankful. Sirius must have told them about the mission, he couldn't keep his tongue tied for too long anyways. But then Fabian and Gideon showed up, and it seemed that his presence was now a problem.

But Fabian kept his anger to himself for now, refusing to cause a scene here. Instead he watched with hatred as Mallory made her way back to Regulus, and held his arm tightly before laying her head on his shoulder. Regulus dried her tears throughout the whole funeral and even walked upfront with her as she said a few words. It was rather tough to ignore her friends but Regulus managed it perfectly until they reached her manor.

Regulus hurried in the kitchen where he felt safe due to Pilm being there, even though he suspected her to only talk to him because Kreacher had told her about him. But nevertheless, he felt at ease in that room because he didn't have to face Fabian, Sirius or James Potter.

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