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The Cliffs Of Moher
June 17th, 1979.

Mallory and Regulus had woken up before the sun. Pilm had prepared breakfast before their eyes opened because when Regulus started walking downstairs, he could already smell the pancakes from the entrance. The pancakes were as good as Kreacher's and he wondered if Pilm had taught Mallory how to cook them. For a moment, he was taken back to the day where he had been captured and Mallory had said that cooking was her way of feeling better after a mission–he recalled the way she had refused to call Albus Dumbledore the headmaster.

Regulus was confident enough to steal a kiss or two as they ought to get ready. All of a sudden, he didn't want to go to that cave and risk his life. He wanted to stay here with her and not have to care about the Dark Lord for once in his life. But of course, Mallory was quick to bring him back to Earth.

"Regulus, it is time to go."

"I know," he said with a mixed expression. He was standing between fear and apprehension.

"You shall lead the way!" Mallory joked, trying to light up the atmosphere. Taking his hand in hers, he felt his heart pound against his chest. Sure, she had held his hand many times but never it felt that real.

Regulus led the way to the closest apparating point and minutes later, they stood on a parking lot where seagulls flew over their heads and the smell of the ocean invaded their noses. Mallory could hear the waves hitting the cliffs in a distance yet she had no idea where they were until her eyes landed on a sign: Cliffs of Moher, do not stand too close to the edge. Risk of fall. She frowned instantly because why would the Dark Lord choose such a visited place?

"Take my hand," Regulus said as she did what he asked, and they started walking to the familiar path. "I chose to come early so not too many people would be here."

"Wise choice," Mallory commented, admiring the sight. Mallory had never come here before and she truly asked herself why. "So this is it?"

"It's a little further down the path. You'll see a big rock but we can't apparate there so we'll have to go down the beach and ask for a boat, row to the rock and from there, we'll apparate to the entrance."

Mallory nodded, "Have you ever been inside?"

Regulus shook his head, "No, just at the entrance. It requires blood to open. I reckon any magical blood will open it since Kreacher's worked."

Regulus walked down the path, his grip still tight on Mallory's hand. The old man greeted the couple with a lovely smile as Regulus handed him Muggle money before thanking him. As they started walking towards the boat, Mallory turned around and muttered a quiet obliviate.

"Nice thought," Regulus whispered, kissing the side of her head. He wanted to enjoy it as much as he could. "I'll row."


Mallory sat in front of him as she watched him row. She admired him and smiled to herself because with a little push of boldness, she had finally got him. He had succumbed to her touch and she was very glad. Mallory could not exactly tell when she had started liking Regulus, perhaps earlier than she thought. Had it started when he had protected her from Rodolphus? Or when he had taken care of her when she was wounded?

But something had shifted within her and for a moment, she hated herself for feeling that way. But when he took care of her like no one had before–not even Fabian, she couldn't hide herself being a veil anymore. Despite the pure-blood mania and his ability to trust blindly his family and the Dark Lord, he was pure and genuine. Regulus was so different from Sirius, so reserved and yet he stood his ground when needed. And he could be gentle and loving.

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