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Some Peace In This War
September 8th, 1978

         "Is it enough?" Gideon asked nervously as they stepped foot into their new flat, newly bought with Fabian and Mallory.

Mallory had accepted right away after the twins had proposed her to live with them. She longed to have a place of her own, to call home and this was the perfect opportunity. She would live in a huge flat with three bedrooms, a spacious living room with a kitchen and many things that she couldn't remember. It all seemed so strange; to finally be out of her childhood manor and living in the real word for once. She wasn't living in the Abbott manor anymore, the one located in RedHill where flowers grew all over the estate and birds chirped all day long. Instead, she was living in Camden Town with two red-hair and her kneazle, right next to the market, not too far from Diagon Alley and an Apparating point.

"It's perfect, Gid," she answered softly, holding the box tight as she put it in the parlour. "Is it not, Fab?"

"Well, it is grand. Slightly smaller than Molly's house but enough for the three of us," he replied, closing the door behind him as he used his wand to levitate the boxes. "I could get used to this place," he said after a while.

"So could I," Mallory said. "Alright, I'm going to my bedroom to sort some boxes. Don't forget the whole group is coming later to see the place," she told the two boys as they both muttered something.

Walking through the corridor, she reached for her door. It was the one at the end of the hallway, just in front of the shared bathroom. It was slightly smaller than the one back at the manor, but it had a huge window which allowed the sun to enter the room. Mallory started by the box full of books and started organising them by height, then she started with the clothes. She could have used her wand, but growing up with a mother who had given up on magic completely had shown her how doing things the Muggle way could be great too.

By five, Mallory was in the kitchen, in front of the stove as Fabian was laying the table and Gideon was cutting the vegetables. Soft jazz was playing in the background as Mallory found herself humming to some of her favourite songs. It was rather peaceful to live with them both. To be honest, she thought it would have been quite exhausting considering the two of them were always so energetic.

The doorbell rang as Fabian hopped of the counter, kissing her cheek and walking to the door, "I'm getting that," he said. "Hey lads," he spoke and she soon recognised the boys' voices. "Ladies," he added.

"Hello, Miss Abbott," Sirius' voice echoed through the kitchen as the bottle of firewhisky clinked on the counter. "What are you cooking, kitten?"

Gideon snorted, "Hearing you call her kitten will never get old," he told Sirius, patting his back. "How are you, mate?"

"Good. Moody is a moody git though."

Mallory shrugged, "He's alright to me," she teased as Sirius groaned. "What? Have something to say, 'Rius?"

"How is it that he adores you so bloody much?" He complained like a five-year old child. "Gid, did you know he liked her so much? If she does something bad, he doesn't yell his stupid words..."

"Constant Vigilance!" James shouted as he walked into the kitchen, making Mallory and Gideon laugh loudly. "Isn't that right, Pads? Constant Vigilance, eh?" He joked as Sirius simply rolled his eyes, serving himself a drink.

"Hey, James," Mallory grinned. "Where's Lils?"

James hopped on the counter next to Sirius as he grabbed the drink happily, "Oh, she's just chatting with Fabian. She's telling him all about how to clean a house...the Muggle way," he chuckled. "Lily is very fond of doing things the Muggle way."

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