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"I can't believe you ended up marrying my brother" Molly said shaking her head

"Believe it or not I'm now your brother's wife" Naomi said a sly smile playing on her lips

"What am I supposed to call you now?"

"Sister" Naomi said winking

"You're crazy I can't believe you got a happy ending"

"Bend down and select," Bella said

"How much is it?" a customer asked picking up a piece of cloth

"Two thousand," she replied

"I'll give you five hundred"

Bella burst into tears. "I can't believe this is my life now" she sobbed

She saw Drake kneeling in front of her, holding a ring. Standing beside him were Lucy, Deji, Lura, Daniel, Lisa, Betty, and Edward

"Will you marry me?" Drake asked

"Oh my goodness Did you all plan this together?"

"Say yes!" Lucy squealed

"Of course I will marry you Drake" Emma said a smile spreading across her face Drake grinned and pulled her into a hug

"I love you"

"So tell me when did you start liking me?"

"The day you dunked my head into that smelly chocolate," he said laughing

"You were the one who caused it!" she said, laughing.

"I think you two should take this to the bedroom" Daniel said, raising an eyebrow Drake smiled and carried Emma into his room closing the door behind them

Drake gently laid her on the bed

"I can't believe I'm getting married to a kid" she said unable to stop laughing

"same here Elder"

"I love you, my kid"

"And I love you Elder"


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