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Emma pulled Drake's head out of the chocolate laughing at the ridiculous sight "I need to see what your face looks like" she said reaching for the light switch

"Aaaahhh" Drake screamed "That's enough get out of my room"

"You can't tell me what to do" Emma said

"Hey girl I'm not joking Get out"

Emma walked into her room sat in front of the mirror and cringed at the sight of herself. "Ewww, this is disgusting" she said trying to wipe the chocolate off her hands

"Aaah" Betty rushed in covering her nose"What is that smell?"

"Aunty next time knock before you come in" Emma said

"I'm so sorry I should have warned you about Drake"

"What's up with him?" Emma asked

"He doesn't like light he hates to see light No one has even seen his face before"


"Some say he's just ugly but others say he witnessed his parents' car accident and it traumatized him when a light flashed at him"

"No wonder he didn't want me to turn on the light" Emma said shaking her head

"Oh no you didn't try to do that did you?"

"What would he have done if I had?"

"He could even kill someone for that The only person who's ever gotten close to him is his brother"

"I am not like everyone else I will change that" Emma thought to herself

Naomi was happily eating a piece of cake while looking at her phone giggling to herself "Gosh, he's so cute" she said her eyes glued to the screen

"That's the last piece of cake you know" Molly said walking into the room "What's wrong with you?"

"I'll pay you back okay?" Naomi said still not taking her eyes off her phone

"What are you looking at on your phone?"

"Oh, it's this cute guy I just liked some of his pictures on Instagram, and now he's messaging me"

"You have a boyfriend Naomi Drake is there When was the last time you visited him?"

"Well" Naomi said putting her phone down "Let me tell you what happened last October 22nd on his birthday"


"I'm glad you let me in this time" Naomi said smiling

"What are you doing here?" Drake asked clearly irritated

"What do you mean? It's your birthday Your brother said you won't even come out of your room so I came It's so dark in here Can I turn on the light?"

"You wouldn't dare"

"Babe it's been so long since I've seen your face Let me just have a little look" she said holding up her phone to get a better view of him

Drake's eyes narrowed and he suddenly reached out dripping frosting from the cake into her eyes She cried out in pain rubbing at her eyes "Drake, what the hell?"

"Get out of my room"


"Babe that was the last time ooo I mean that dude is mad I swear It's not that I'm hurt that he wasted the cake or yelled at me. What really hurts is that I spent all my savings on the cake, and he wasted it like that!"

"You should understand him though He's been through a lot"

"Huff Babe the accident happened when he was 16 How is a 16-year-old boy supposed to be traumatized by just a light? For Pete's sake he's 24 now, and he's still hiding in the dark room And you expect me to stay?"

"this is the time he needs you the most This is the time he needs your love Right now"

"Come on girl this is Nigeria 'love ko, love ni'! I'm not breaking up with him He's a rich guy But I'm not staying with him until he's back to normal but for me to stay with him right now It just won't work"

"Naomi but....." Molly said

"Abeg oga e don do Free me abegg" Naomi said

"Are you still planning on beating up Emma?" Ife asked

"Of course We're heading to her house right now" Daniel said

"Don't play Emma don japa" Ife asked

"Wetin you talk now " Deji asked

" Emma's out of the village She's in the city"

"That girl's crazy" Daniel said

"So that means we're not going to beat her up anymore?" Vee asked

"Are you deaf? She's out of the village" Daniel said raising his voice

"what about her friend Lucy?" Vee asked frowning

"Yeah, that's true We can beat her" Daniel said, smirking

"Let's go" Deji said

Lucy was outside washing dishes when she saw Daniel and his friends approaching

"Hey you," Daniel said

"What do you guys want?" she asked clutching her dishrag nervous

"We heard that your friend is out of the village after what she did to us And you helped her didn't you? Since we can't beat her, we'll have to settle for you instead" Deji said

Lucy burst out laughing, her eyes sparkling. "You think because Emma is not around, you can beat me? I'm a crazy type too" she said picking up the dirty water and throwing it at them

Then she took a step back her hands raised in a boxing stance. "Wait here I'll go get dressed for the fight"

"We'll be waiting for you" Deji said, his eyes blazing with fury.

"I'm going to beat the hell out of you all" she said as she went into her room and locked the door behind her She shut the windows and leaned against the wall, her heart racing

"Gosh those stupid people They're still there" she thought as she sat down to eat her food She peered out the window and saw Daniel and his friends still waiting for her getting increasingly impatient

She smiled"You'll be waiting for Jesus not me" she said the smile on her face growing wider as she savored her food......

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