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"You saw him?" Betty asked her eyes wide

"I'm telling you he's so handsome and gorgeous Oh my goodness I'm all wet just thinking about him He's too handsome" Lisa gushed

"Oya, now, simmer down It's not like you're getting married to him ASHAWOOO" Mary said laughing

"I know right? But just thinking about the part of him that I saw gosh he's too much" Lisa said a dreamy look in her eyes

"But if he's so handsome why is he hiding in that dark room?" Betty asked

"I know right? All he hates is light He was even wearing a hoodie, a cap, and a mask when I saw him" Lisa said, her eyes still dreamy.

"Oga o!" Mary said, taking out the vegetables

"What's going on?" Emma asked coming into the kitchen

"Drake is out!" Betty said

"What?" Emma said her eyes wide

"Emma the boss wants to see you,"iremide said as she walked into the kitchen

"Why are we having a board meeting?" Mike asked

"I think you know the reason already," Robert said a smug look on his face

"I wasn't talking to you Robert" Mike said, his voice low and dangerous

Robert smirked "I'm a board member, so I have every right to speak,"

"It's about the CEO position Since your brother is mentally ill and you're not a strong enough leader we need someone else" Raymond said

"My brother isn't crazy" Mike yelled

"Then why won't he come out of his room? We're tired of waiting We're giving you one week or else we'll choose the CEO ourselves," Damson said

"Is this a rebellion against me?" he yelled

"Call it whatever you want" Jonathan said, the others following him out Only Robert, Edward, and Mike remained in the room

"Is this all your plan?" Mike asked

"Yes, it is," Robert said

"Listen you won't even get close to smelling the CEO seat let alone sitting on it" Mike said his temper flaring

"Let's just wait and see" Robert said walking away

"What are we going to do?" Edward asked looking at Mike

"A miracle will happen. I'm sure of it,"

"Why did you call me?" Emma asked

"I need your help Please, help me get Drake out of the room I beg you" Mike said

"But..." Emma started to say

"I know But he has to come out of that room today I know you can do something to get him out for good" Mike said.

Emma took a deep breath and opened Drake's door
stepping inside

"I know you're in there, Drake Let's talk please"

"Just go away I don't want to talk"

"I don't want to do this but I can't help it" Emma said, turning on the light and opening the window Drake immediately hid under the duvet

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" he yelled from under the duvet

"I'm not closing the window It's time for you to come out of your shell, Drake Your brother needs you, and the company needs you. Stop being a coward and come out," Emma yelled

"What do you know about me? Shut up and get out!"

"I know you're a coward who hates light Do you think that will help you? If you don't help yourself Drake, face your fear and come out of your shell"

"Just shut up!"

"I know this won't work" Emma said biting her lip as she turned around "Okay I'll try something else" As she turned Drake was standing right in front of her

"I'm out of my shell now but I'm going to deal with you" he said

Emma looked at him He was tall, with a unique pair of blue eyes and curly hair His body was hot and sexy

"I've never seen a Nigerian boy as handsome as this Is he God or an angel?" she thought to herself

"Are you even listening to me you pig?" he yelled

Emma kept looking at him unable to tear her eyes away She swallowed hard "Call me whatever you want I'll let it slide because you're handsome" she said then clapped her hand over her mouth

Drake smiled and Emma's throat went dry "Oh my gosh," she thought to herself

"This is a good prayer point The way he smiles makes him even hotter I think I'm in love........

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