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Drake came back from the office and couldn't find Emma He saw Lisa and asked "Where's Emma?"

"Your brother fired her" Lisa said

"What?" Drake said, shocked He rushed to his brother's room

"Why on earth would you fire Emma?" he yelled

"She...," Mike started to say

"I don't want to hear anything from you," Drake said, cutting him off "You better bring her back or I'll go back to the way I used to live before."

The door slammed so loud that mike's ears rang He stormed into his room and tried calling Emma but she didn't pick up

"This is so frustrating Where is she?" he said loudly

"He's calling me to insult me I'm not going to pick up" Emma said as she switched off her phone "I can't believe I'm back in the village"

She walked into her house and said "Mom, Lura, I'm back!"

"I love you " Lura said she was on a call

"Love? Who are you in love with? You already have a boyfriend."

"Lucy, you're so silly," Lura said, rolling her eyes "I'm on a call with Deji." She turned around and saw Emma standing there, and she screamed

"Wait, you're on a call with Deji? You're dating Deji? Oh, my goodness Lura"

"What's wrong with that? Deji and I are in love"

"Deji? You're dating Deji Lura, he's our enemy! How could you do this?"

"Deji's not our enemy anymore He's my love, and I love him."

Just then Lucy walked in and saw Emma She screamed and ran to hug her "You're back!" she exclaimed

"Don't hug me," Emma said sitting down "How could you not tell me that Deji is dating Lura?"

"Just let them be" Lucy said shrugging"By the way why are you back so soon? I thought you weren't coming back"

"It's...a long story"

"I didn't see any car outside Did you walk here?"

"What car?"

"Aren't you supposed to be driving a fancy car by now?"

"Oh, right I parked it at the back of your father's compound ode"

"Boss he won't come out of his room" Lisa said

"What do you suggest we do?" Mike asked

"Maybe we should let Emma come back?"

"No way! I'm not letting that criminal into my house!"

"But, Sir if Drake stays cooped up in his room, think about the company think about what will happen,"

"Lisa, get out,"

Lisa nodded as if accepting his order but as she turned to leave she stopped and pulled out her phone "I can't let this happen. If he goes back into his room, I won't see his handsome face anymore" she thought to herself

"Sir, you need to watch this," she said, interrupting him again

"What now?" he yelled

"I'm sorry" she said, dropping her phone on his desk "Please, just watch it Please!" she said and walk out of his room

With a sigh, Mike picked up the phone and played the video His eyes widened in shock as he watched the footage His hand went limp and the phone dropped to the floor
Bella frantically tried calling Jake but his phone kept going to voice mail She started to panic

"Oh, gosh!" she yelled trying to call him again Still nothing.

"AHHHH my money"

"Bella, calm down," she told herself, trying to get a hold of her emotions. She started her car and drove to Jake's house She knocked on the door but there was no answer

"Excuse me, who are you?" a voice called out Bella turned and saw a young woman standing there

"I'm looking for Jake" she said

"He's gone" the woman said

"Gone? Gone where?"

"He moved out two days ago"

"Wait...what? Are you serious? Is this a joke?" Bella asked.

"Is your name Bella?" the woman asked Bella nodded. "Well, here He asked me to give this to you," she said handing Bella an envelope Then she turned and walked away

Bella's eyes scanned the page "This must be his new home address" she thought, reading the letter

✍️Dear Bella A.K.A. my old hag,

By the time you read this I'll have left the country I've just been using you You're nothing to me I think we both enjoyed our time together I enjoyed your money and you enjoyed my body It's funny that you actually believed that Vicky was my sister You're such a gullible fool Vicky is my wife not my sister Oh, and just to let you know I'm a fraud star and your 2 billion naira is gone Don't look for me and don't call me. I've already blocked your number✍️ {your 'daddy,' Jake,}" the letter read

Yeee 2 billion naira just like that I'm done for I'm in so much trouble Where do I even start?" she yelled collapsing onto the floor in a heap "Oh yeah I still have Mike" she said picking herself up She grabbed her car keys and drove home

Bella opened the door and it was dark inside She flicked the light switch and saw the room was decorated with balloons and flowers In the center stood Mike, on one knee, holding a ring.

"Will you marry me?" he asked

Bella considered her answer. "I've already lost 2 billion naira" she thought to herself

"Yes, I'll marry you," she said

Mike slipped the ring onto her finger "Now, let's get to the main event" he said clapping his hands

"And what's that?" Bella asked

"The interesting part Should I start calling you sister-in-law now?" drake asked

"Of course brother-in-law"

Bella's eyes were glued to the screen as the video played. Her mouth hung open, and she froze in shock It was as if she'd seen a ghost

"Brother-in-law what is this?"

"Just enjoy it, sister-in-law" he said, his grin turning sly

Bella rushed to turn off the video but it was too late

"Sister-in-law don't you even dare" Drake yelled grabbing the remote and pressing play again "If you do I'll chop you up and sell your meat at the market Or better yet I'll feed you to my dog.......

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