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"Why didn't you tell me, Mike? You have brain tumors."

"I'm sorry," Mike said, looking down at the ground

"What stage?"

"The last stage"

"What the heck, why didn't you tell me? I'm your brother, for Pete's sake!"

"I didn't want you to worry about me I'm really sorry I'll be fine,"

"Do you think you'll survive?" Drake asked Mike didn't say anything He just looked down at the floor Drake hugged him tightly and started crying

"What would you like to eat?" Richard asked Naomi

"Just some water and something light,"

"Are you sure? I'm a big fan of food. Let's order something good."

"No, I'm not that hungry I just need something light."

"Alright," Richard said, then called the waiter over "What can I get for you, sir?" the waiter asked

"Yes give her shawarma and a soft drink," Richard said to the waiter "And for me I'd like amala with ewedu and shaki You understand me, right?" he asked, and the waiter bowed and left to take their order

"Is that what you want to eat?"

"Absolutely I just got back from London and I really missed it Are you a fan of amala?"

"I'm not a fan of amala I don't even know what it looks like," she said with a smile Richard nodded, waiting for the waiter to bring their food

The waiter set down their food and Richard immediately dug in savoring the taste of the amala "This is delicious," he said his mouth full

Naomi looked at him "I'm glad you're enjoying your food" she said pushing her shawarma around her plate

As Richard ate Naomi swallowed hard and licked her lips. "Why did I order something so light?" she thought to herself craving the amala that Richard was enjoying

She pulled out her phone and messaged Molly "I'm craving amala," she texted
Jake and Vicky were in the midst of a passionate kiss when they heard a knock on the door

"Who could that be?" Vicky asked her voice breathless.

"Let me check," Jake said heading for the door. He looked through the peephole and saw Bella. "It's Bella! Hide!"

"Not again! Where am I supposed to hide?"

"The toilet!" he said, grabbing her arm and pulling her toward the bathroom "But it smells!" Vicky protested

Jake pushed Vicky into the bathroom, locked the door, and opened the door for Bella. "Hi Bella!" he said, forcing a smile.

"Hey, Jake" Bella said peering behind him

"Um, sure but the place is a mess I've been really busy," he said, stepping aside so she could enter. "Is everything okay?" he asked, trying to sound casual

"I'm not fine She's blackmailing me."

"Who?" Jake asked furrowing his brow

"Emma our maid She saw us talking and kissing, and now she's asking for a huge amount of money. It's so annoying, and I'm getting really tired of it."

"What are we going to do?"

"I don't know," Bella said, pacing around the room Vicky emerged from the bathroom, sweating and breathing heavily

"Ugh, that smell could kill someone!" she yelled fanning herself

"Who is this?" Bella asked narrowing her eyes

"She's my sister," Jake said swallowing hard

"Your sister?" Bella said
Lisa was rifling through Emma's phone when Emma walked in

"What right do you have to go through my phone?" Emma said, snatching it out of her hands

Lisa hissed and stalked away

Emma sighed and walked into Drake's room Drake was in the bathroom, and Emma bent down to make his bed. Suddenly, she felt a smack on her ass

"Hey!" Emma yelled spinning around

"It's my property I have the right to do whatever I want with it" Drake said his face serious.

"What right do you think you have to...," Emma started to say, when Drake moved in close and pressed his hand against her breast Emma's eyes widened and she let out a scream

"Wow, they're so...big," Drake said, staring at her chest

Emma pushed him away, and his towel fell from his body leaving him completely naked

"Jesus Christ, that's huge!" Emma yelled

"You're not leaving this room," he said moving closer to her He locked the door and smiled at Emma........

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