first game

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I sit in the dressing room, next to Keira Walsh on my right and Esmee Brugts on my left. I changed into the teal colored Barça away kit. My teal and purple Nike Mercurials finishing the outfit. We all put on our warming up shirt and get out on the field to warm up. We get greeted by some fans of Barcelona who traveled with us. During the warming up, Alexia is focused; tense. So am I. I am in the starting XI as right midfielder, instead of right back, since Lucy is right back. I have played right midfielder a few times, so things should be fine.

We go back to the dressing room to take off the warming up jersey and then we line up in the tunnel. I am standing behind Alexia, who is leading the line, wearing her captain band. We walk out onto the field and the fans from Barcelona and Real Madrid CF clap and shout. We give each other hands and then we get into position. Alexia chooses ball. Whistle. 

The game begun. We start of strong, we're very dominant. In the 11th minute, Claudia Pina, scores the 1-0. We celebrate and then continue the game.

At half time we are ahead 3-0, because of Pina and two goals of Rölfo. In the dressing room, we all drink some water and listen to Jonathan.

''Great work ladies! We can easily take the score up. Yazmin, great work out there! Debut game and already an assist, keep up the great work! Okay ladies, let's go and score some more goals!''

He claps, we do the same, and walk back onto the field. The second half begins and I see Gio on the field. In the 57th minute, I have a massive break out and I run towards the goal. In the box, the defender steps full on my foot, and I drop to the ground, grabbing my foot. The ref blows the whistle and Alexia runs to the defender and shoves her, her eyes shooting bullets, annoyed. Maybe even overprotective.

'' ¡Ey! ¡Quizás verlo un poco! ¿Quires que la lastimen o algo así?!''

(Hey! Maybe watch it a little! Do you want her injured or something?!)

The ref gives us a penalty. Alexia helps me up. She pulls me up by my hand and pulls me into a hug. She whispers in my ear.

''Tómalo y anótalo, Carto..''

(Take it and score it, Carto..)

Aitana and Claudia making eye contact as they see the scene in front of them. Aitana whispers under her breath ''Rivaliza con mi culo'' (Rivals my ass).

She lets go of me, pets me on the back and walks to the line of the 16 meters. I stand behind the ball. The whistle goes but I take my moment.

Breath in. Breath out.

I do a run-up and I hit the ball. The stadium is silent. The sight of the ball going in the left top corner, makes me run up to the corner flag, and celebrate with the Barcelona fans. My teammates run up to me and celebrate with me. As the rest of the teammates start to get back in position, Alexia walks up to me and pats me on the head.

''Buen trabajo, Corta''

(Good work, Corta)

Fifth chapter? Anyways, I LOVED writing this chapter. Made me smile and everything.. So, goal and assist on her debut, like everyone's dream, isn't it? Well, during the game last saturday some girl pulled me by my shirt and I fell on my hip.. I have the most purple bruise ever known to humanity, but well, It makes me feel kinda badass.. How do you like the story so far? Let me know!


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