Chapter Six- He slapped my butt. WTF?

Start from the beginning

"Truth" she replied. 

"Ok, is the person you like sitting here?" 

She blushed "Yes".

I knew she likes Colby. Gut instinct. Ellis, still blushing, spun the bottle and it landed on Austin. Since when did he get here? Okay anyway. "Truth or dare" Ellis asked, Austin seemed to think for a second before replying.  


Ellis smiled, her eyes mischievous  "I dare you to kiss Colby" 

I smiled, Danny laughed and Colby shirked.  "No FUGGING way" Colby shouted. He glared at Ellis who returned it with a wink.Austin say down on Colbys legs, then kissed him. Quick. I barely saw it and lets just say we were all disapointed.  

"Damn it I wanted you to be gay" I complained looking at Colby who was still disgusted. The game went on and the bottle still hasn't landed on me or Danny which I was quite thankful but I wasn't that lucky. Shaun spun the bottle and it landed on me. Oh shit.  

"True or dare" he smirked, either way whichever one I picked it was going to be horrible.  

"Dare" I blurted not thinking about the consequences. This made Shaun smirk.  

"Hmmm dare" he grinned. As if a lightbulb went of in his head, his eyes gleamed.  

"I dare you to..." 

"Go up to that lifeguard, that woman and that guy with the surfboard and ask them if they have a tampon because you are about to leak and finally shout really loud does someone have a frickin tampon, act desperate"

God no! The lifeguard and the guy are hot. After a minute of disagreeing, I got up and complete the dare. It was the most embarrassing thing ever and then some person actually gave me a tampon at the end when I shouted aloud. Everyone was laughing at me, even Danny. With a red face I returned to the group and sat down again.

Oh my god that was horrible, I excused myself from the game and took a walk trying to get rid of the redness on my face. It was sunset now, the sky was beautiful, the ocean seemed to calm me which was a first. I felt at utter peace. I started to think about Darcy, it seemed like everyone was turning against her. She really only ever had Danny and Colby and they don't care for her. It's quite depressing actually, I feel sorry for her. She has no one, not even our parents. My parents... Don't get me started on them. They were so loved up that they forgot about us. Always working,going on holidays or just out. They enjoyed life, which is the way to live I guess. I just wished they enjoyed it with us, maybe if they had been around and told Darcy and Colby that the grandad incident wasn't my fault, Darcy wouldn't hate me. Maybe if they had been around, I wouldn't be bullied or wouldn't of felt so alone. Maybe if they had been around they would help me get out of my bad eating habits. Maybe if they woke up from dream life they'd realised how much we need them. They come home, we pretend like everything is perfect but it's not. We crave they attention, why do you think Darcy is the way she is? She feels alone and she needs to blame it on someone, that person is me but that wasn't the right way to get our parents attention. Colby, he sleeps with loads of girls, goes out drinking, does anything to not go home. That's his way of dealing, he must feel like he's too occupied to care. My way is just to study, to keep to myself and don't think. I mean it's taking me and Colby more than two years to finally be brother and sister. We wanted to deal with our pain our own way and it hasn't helped. Now I think me and Colby are just accepting the fact that it's going to be like this forever and if we have each other, it's going to be ok.

Someone tapped me on the shoulder and I turned around. " Danny" I breathed. 

"Are you coming back then?" He questioned.  I nodded in response and headed back with him and we chatted about random things.  Stopping in front of Colby I asked him if we could go home now as the game was finished. He answered with a nod and got up. We strolled towards his car and then we drove back home. Stepping inside the house, I headed towards my room and texted Ellis asking if she wanted to sleep over at mine today. She texted back saying that she would be over in half an hour. In that time I changed my clothes and threw on my pyjamas that consisted of a top with a smiley face printed into it and a pair of shorts.

Half an hour later, there was a knock on the door. Screaming to Colby that I would get it, I opened the door to see a Ellis and a Danny? Okay, I beckoned with my hand for them to come in and they did.  

"Hey" Danny whispered in my ear, making my heart beat 100 times faster. This guy is going to give me a heart attack. He walked into the sitting room as if it was his own home. It practically was just like his was mine. Ellis followed Danny to the sitting room where Colby was playing on his Xbox. Following the rest of the guys, I felt like I was playing follow the leader. When I arrived, Danny was already playing some zombie game thing with Colby and Ellis was watching. Bored already, I headed into the open planned kitchen to see a sticky note on the fridge. I read the note as it said  

"Colby or Kara, 

Whatever I flew out to the Bahamas where mom and dad are because I can't handle seeing Danny so see you's when school starts or whenever bye losers"  

Typical she left a note.

I grabbed a few snacks for everyone as I wasn't hungry. Walking back into the room, I found Ellis looking bored as the boys were busy with the Xbox and I informed Colby that Darcy was in the Bahamas with mom and dad. "I brought food" I said as both the boys heads snapped in my direction. Typical guys! I threw a few bags of chips at them and then two cans if soda.  "Thanks daisy" Danny smiled at me.  "No problem" I answered. I lowered myself onto the comfy couch and asked Ellis what she wanted to do now. "Let's watch movies!" She squealed with excitement. I nodded and we ran upstairs and grabbed our favourite DVDs: A walk to remember and Dear John.

When we showed the guys the DVDs they groaned.  "No way, please no" Danny pleaded, shaking his head. Colby just grunted and sat back into the massive couch.  "DEAR JOHN" Ellis screamed and I nodded with her, who can't have a bit of Channing Tatum in their lives? Ignoring the guys pleas, Ellis stuck the DVD in and pressed play. Grabbing a blanket from cupboard, I came back into the room and snuggled between Ellis and Danny. Half way through the film, Ellis and I had tears streaming down our face and crying at the happy and sad moments. Ellis started to fall asleep on Colby who looked a bit overly happy at the way she was hugging him. My eyes suddenly felt droopy, I had a long day and I didn't mind shutting my eyes for a bit. Pulling the blanket up, I let my head rest on someone's shoulder. An arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me into them. I didn't mind, it made me more warm and way more tempting to shut my eyes. After 20 seconds of trying to stay awake, I gave up and fell asleep in the comforts of mine and Danny's body wrapped together as one.

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