TW: have you ever talked someone out of suicide

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a thank you message from out of the blue,

to some that may seem sweet

and it is

but sometimes it's more of a goodbye than it is a thanks

I know it's not my fault

but part of me will always blame me for not doing more

sometimes my calls are picked up and when they are

I sit and silently cry

as I plead for them to stay

just for a little while

or forever more

I whisper things like "you cant go now" , "i won't allow it"

and hope they take my words in to consideration

when my calls aren't picked up 

I panic and shake as the world goes dark

and pray to the lord that they're still awake

I cry myself to sleep

in hopes that by sunrise

they're still at keep

I wish I could take away that negative impulse

but I am only human

I fight everyday for my own life

and I will always fight for another

but at the end of the day

I can't wait to see colour

- moonie

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