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I believe that everyone deserves to be heard

to feel valid and valued

to be loved, supported and appreciated

I would do anything for the people I love

but I would also do anything for the people I barely know

I'm willing to sit and listen to a stranger because I know how it feels to not have anyone

I'm willing to give advice and comfort to people because I know how it feels to be alone and feel lost or unwanted

sometimes I enjoy helping others because it makes me feel good

it makes me feel needed

like I have a purpose

but some days I wonder if I do all these things for others because I get distracted by listening to their problems so I don't need to focus on my own

is that selfish? perhaps yes

or perhaps I give every bit of myself to others in hopes that maybe I would get just an ounce of it in return

- moonie

Stagnant Soars - poetryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora