"Aw man! Are they going to be punished?"

"Probably." Kenma said.

"But why?! She was there awhile ago with us!" Kuroo said, a little too loud since the other team, Inarizaki, looked at them.

"You were in Karasuno's room captain?" Lev asked.

"Why were you there Kuroo?" Yaku questioned.

"Remember, awhile ago at breakfast, manager-chan said she's giving them a surprise. Bokuto and I wanted to know what it was." He said with a grin.

"What was it?"

"Cookies!" He said proudly with a large grin on his face.

The group stared at their captain.
That's it?

"It was so good! Why don't any of you bake?!" Kuroo said loudly.

"Calm down, Kuroo. Just buy cookies if you want one."

"But I want hers! They're really good."

"Really captain?! Is there more? Do you think I can ask for one?" Lev asked his captain, jumping in his seat.

"Stop that!" Yaku told Lev.

"You think I left without taking some with me?!" Kuroo asked, as if insulted.

Kenma sighed as he looked towards Karasuno laughing with each other.

They sure are a noisy bunch. As he focus on the game he's playing.

"Apparently she makes them all kinds of snacks for training. The first day she was announced as the manager she sent them a bag of protein bars! Then she sent them muffins the next day!'

"Sent them?"

"Well yeah. Today's their first day meeting each other. Weren't you listening awhile ago?" Kuroo shook his head as he takes a cookie out of his pocket.

"Is that it?!" Yamamoto asked. Pointing at the wrapped cookie with stars in his eyes.

Lev reached over and grabbed the cookie Kuroo was holding. Unwrapped it as fast as he could and shoved it in his mouth.

"Hey! That's mine!" Kuroo shouted as he slap Lev at the back of his head.

"Do you have more captain?!" Lev asked, oblivious with the annoyance of his captain.

"Do you like cookies Osamu?" Atsumu asked his twin brother.

"They're okay. Why?"

"Should we ask for some?" Astumu said with a smirk looking at Karasuno.

"Don't even think about bothering them Atsumu" Aran said.

"I suppose, I could just take some." He grinned towards his brother.

"Stop that Atsumu. Buy some if you want one." Kita, their captain said.

"You guys are no fun." Atsumu said as he crosses his arms over his chest, pouting as he looks at the only girl in camp.

Hideko. Maybe I'll ask for some later on.


It's 6:50 pm.

Hideko walked towards the boys, giving them clean towels and their water bottles.

"You guys are doing well!"

"Are you mocking us Hideko?" Tsukishima asked as he wipes his forehead with the towel.

"What? Of course not."

KARASUNO'S MANAGER - Haikyu VariousWhere stories live. Discover now