Emblem 3

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After living in Huntington all your life you are pretty tan if you are like me. I am 16 years old, dark tan slim frame, with bright green eyes. Skating and surfing are my passion I am always doing one of them it seems. I will wear basically anything so they say i can be tomboyish at times but then again i can get really girly. I never wear make up unless I am not going to the beach at all that day and that is hardly ever. My three main best friends are, Keaton Stromberg, Wesley Stromberg and Drew Chadwick. We are always together since they all live right beside me on the beach. Wesley and I are the closest and I  have a crush on him but he dosen't know that. Keaton is like a little brother that i never had because  I am and oly child.  Then Drew is the older brother I never had but I won't tell anyone about my crush on Wesley. So that is me hope you enjoy our lives.

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