Chapter 7

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(Isha's POV)

I woke up and stretched my arms above my head. As I looked out the window, the sun was just beginning to rise, casting a warm glow over the room. Yesterday was fun, I drank with my friends until late into the night after many years. I got off the bed and walked to the bathroom to freshen up.

I went to have my breakfast and noticed my man, along with Ethan and Rohan. I smiled at them and took a seat beside Viraj. He greeted me with a kiss on the cheek, I smiled at him. He handed me a cup of coffee and asked how I was feeling after last night. "I'm good, just a little tired," I replied with a chuckle. "But it was worth it," I added, taking a sip of the coffee he handed me. "How's it going with Myra?" Viraj asked Ethan, who was sitting across from me. Ethan replied, " We are just getting to know each other and "he paused. "And?" I asked curiously. Ethan continued, "We're friends." I rolled my eyes playfully. "What about you Rohan? how's it going with Tanya?" I asked.

"Don't even start, she was avoiding me, now things are getting better though... I guess " he shrugged.

Since he and Tanya were friends, I have known Rohan. Knowing that he genuinely cares about her and would be the perfect match for her, I have always been supportive of their relationship.

(Viraj's POV)

I was having breakfast with Isha, Ethan, and Rohan when the topic of relationships came up. Observing the developments in everyone's romantic lives was intriguing. I leaned in closer to Isha and muttered, "What about you and Viraj?" She laughed and patted my arm, saying, "Me and Viraj had a great relationship, and we're happy together." That made me smile. "Shit, I missed my chance then," I said. She chuckled, "Aw, poor thing, Viraj got me ". I pinched her waist gently, making her giggle as we continued eating our breakfast.

We talked about our past relationships, and I felt glad to have Isha as my partner, dealing with ups and downs together. It was comforting to have someone who understood me so well by my side. Isha was a great listener, and I knew I could always count on her. Isha was not just my partner, but also my best friend. We always had each other's backs, no matter what life threw at us. I couldn't imagine going through life without her by my side. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it gently, silently expressing my gratitude for her presence in my life.


(Myra's POV)

I was asleep until something startled me out of my reverie. I woke up with my party outfit, feeling a slight headache because I was intoxicated last night.

I closed my eyes for a moment, trying to remember the events of the previous evening. I recalled the laughter, the music, and Ethan.

I gasped when I remembered things, not fully but slightly. I felt a wave of embarrassment wash over me as I realized my behavior was not my usual self. "Ugh, this is embarrassing," I muttered to myself. My heart sank as I thought about how Ethan must perceive me now.

I let out a sigh, got out of bed, and strolled to the bathroom to take a shower. I got ready and left the room to have breakfast. As I sat down at the table, I looked at the couple, Rohan and Ethan. I greeted all of them with a smile, "I'm sure that there's something with Ayaan and Raina" Viraj stated, "yeah I noticed some tension between them yesterday. I nodded in agreement and tried to shake off the feeling of regret and embarrassment from the night before. I made a mental note to apologize to Ethan if necessary. Ethan looked at me and gave me a small smile, which helped ease my nerves.

(Ethan's POV)

I saw Myra and smiled widely at her. She seemed a bit tense, but I could tell she was making an effort to move past whatever had happened the night before. I took a seat beside her, and she said, "Hey, about last night... I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable." I smiled at her, " it's totally fine, how are you feeling now? " Myra looked relieved and replied, "I'm feeling better now, thank you for asking." We continued to chat, and the tension between us dissipated. "Was I tough to talk to last night?" Myra asked, looking at me hesitantly. I shook my head, "Not at all". She pouted and hit my thigh "Don't be too nice, do tell me if you I'm being too much", I chuckled and assured her that she was never too much.

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