Chapter 1

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"Can you not change the song for god's sake?" I asked exasperated for the 4th time now.

"Sorry, no" I heard a reply, "Whatever I'm not stopping" I continued changing the song to the previous one, but he never let me. I rolled my eyes and glared at him, "why don't you let this finish so you can listen to yours?" he asked me. "Why don't you let me play mine instead?" I scoffed.

"Never mind, we're here" he stopped the car and I sighed. It's been a week since I came to Rajasthan for Isha's wedding and today is 12th December, from tomorrow all of us will be actively engaged with the events and here I am, dealing with an arrogant yet a handsome man.

"What, don't you wanna come?" Ethan looked at me from a distance.

"Yeah, hold on!... dumbass" I mumbled the last word and walked to him.

(2 weeks ago)

It was 3:00 am by the time I finished my work, "Peace" I fell on my bed, making my back hit the mattress. Bangalore feels great, mostly in the midnight. Outside the stars were paled by the glaring lights of the city. I looked at the beautiful city from the glass window and smiled before closing my eyes, that's my everyday routine since few years now.

At 11 am, a phone call ruined my sleep, "mhm" I grabbed my phone with a sleepy face.

"Helloooo", I whispered after answering the call, "MYRAAAA WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG TO PICK UP HUH?" Isha yelled from the other side of the call.

"God", I frowned in annoyance and sat up on the bed, "what happened??"

"Your best friend is getting married and the heck you doing in Bangalore huh? Pack your fucking luggage and come to Rajasthan RNNNN!"
"Wait what? omg congratulations "I smiled in excitement, "thank youuuu" Isha giggled.

"So, when's the wedding? I asked her,"16th December."

"Ah" I looked at the desk Calander on the table, "yes and you are coming here by December 1st or-!"

"Okay okay! I'll be there, take care."


I sighed laying on the bed after having my dinner, it was dark out there, as I've nothing to do, I decided to have a small walk.

I got off the bed and grabbed my jacket getting out of the room. I went downstairs with a bright smile on my face, "This feels so great" I giggled and walked towards the garden.

I frowned and blinked my eyes twice when I saw someone standing. "Uh- who the heck is that?" I whispered to myself and took a few more steps further.

I froze when I saw the man turn towards me, "WHA-" I almost screamed but quickly shut my mouth. We stared at each other for few seconds. I was speechless at the moment, millions of questions were in my head, one side of me wanted to go approach him, but the other me was enraged and I was on the verge of crying.

When I was gonna burst out, I turned around and started to walk back to my room as fast as I could. "TANYA?" I heard him yell but I didn't bother to stop, "WAIT- TANI! PLEASE" Rohan yelled again.

I ran to my room, closing the door shut, the whole week was going pretty smooth, except for today, I played my favorite song and started to dance in order to cheer myself.

(2 weeks ago)

I opened my eyes after hearing my phone buzz, I was in an inverted bow pose, doing my aerial yoga workout after a tiring day.

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