Chapter 6

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(Raina's POV)

We were all going to a club, so I got ready and put on my favorite dress. As we walked in, the music was already blasting, and the dance floor was packed with people. We took our seats at a table near the bar, ordering our drinks and scanning the crowd. I took a seat next to Tanya, who had Isha closer to her, while Myra was closer to me. We started drinking and catching up on each other's lives, laughing and enjoying the music.

Tanya and I had many shots, I was already feeling high. "So, what's going on with you and Rohan?" Isha asked Tanya as we all looked at her. Tanya, who was drinking her drink, looked up with a chuckle and said, "Oh, you know how it is with us." Myra chimed in, "I heard he's been asking about you lately." Tanya just shrugged and took another shot, avoiding the topic.

As we laughed together remembering our past, Tanya leaned closer to me and said, "Can you believe that even in this crowd, I can actually see Rohan? The flirty man ", "Where?" I laughed hysterically and looked everywhere. I noticed a familiar face staring back at us. "You know, I can see a pervert too," I chuckled. "Uh- they are actually here!" Myra and Isha said this after exchanging knowing glances.

"OHH? I thought it was just the four of us here." Tanya asked, raising her eyebrows. "Whatever, excuse me for a moment." I got up to use the restroom and rolled my eyes at him, who was crossing his arms.

(Ayaan's POV)

Viraj and Ethan were still on their way when Rohan and I entered. As we searched for the girls, I stifled my laughter and glanced at Rohan when I heard one of the girls say, 'Rohan, the flirty man.'

He gasped and whispered to himself " flirty man?", but I heard it. As I tried to hide my laughter and keep a serious expression, he gave me a scowl. It was then that I heard Raina mention that she had seen a 'pervert.' Now, it's Rohan's turn to laugh. I glared at him and said, "Shut up and let's go." As we were about to take our seats, Raina stood up and I immediately followed her.

She came out of the restroom and bumped into me. "Watch your ste-" she said, before her eyes widened in recognition. "Oh, you," she exclaimed, rolling her eyes. "Never mind" she turned around but I grabbed her arm and pulled her closer, "Why do you always ignore me ?" Raina sighed and looked away, avoiding eye contact. "Do I have to answer that" she muttered, trying to pull her arm away from my grasp. I tightened my grip and replied, "Yes, you do. I deserve an explanation." Raina frowned and pushed my chest away. "You're hurting me!" and walked away. I sighed and watched her leave.


(Viraj's POV)

Ethan and I arrived at the party just in time, I took a seat beside Isha and pushed Ethan towards Myra , hoping they would hit it off. As Isha smiled at me, I kissed her cheek and whispered, "I missed you." She chuckled, "Just an hour and you're already being cheesy." I laughed and squeezed her hand gently.

Rohan took a seat beside Tanya and she sighed, "Tell us about your love story, Viraj" Ayaan walked and took a seat near me, followed by Raina after a couple of minutes.

"It's a long story" I said with a smile, glancing at Isha lovingly. "But it all started with a chance encounter at a coffee shop," I continued, as everyone leaned in to listen with eager anticipation.

"I first saw Isha at the cafeteria and couldn't take my eyes off her." Ayaan raised an eyebrow, "Love at first sight, huh?" I chuckled, "Something like that" My friends listened intently as I recounted the beginning of our love story, each detail bringing back fond memories.

"We got to know each other because of my other friends who introduced us at a mutual friend's party," I added. "I knew her since 7 years or so but we didn't date" I smiled at her, "she was in her own phase of life, dealing with her ex, I was her friend but she knows that I loved her from the beginning"

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