Chapter 2

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I was looking for a vase and when I turned around, I saw one, it was attractive, and was on the top.

I tip-toed to reach it, but I couldn't grab it and on top of this, I was gonna trip but then, a hand held my waist, I gasped and looked at Ethan who was also holding the vase with his other hand.

"You, okay?" he asked me being concerned, before I could say something, he cut me off, "But like shouldn't you be looking for something that is reachable for your height?"


After I'm done screaming internally, I looked away from him and got off his arms, "what are you here for? To help, so just keep doing that!"

(Ethan's Pov)

What the fuck does that mean? She'll keep messing things and I have to catch before something falls down?

"What are you looking at? Let's go" her voice interrupted me. I walked towards her, and we both got off the store.

We sat inside the car, and I began driving. After a few minutes I heard Myra say, "Should we stop near an ice-cream store? I want to have one."

I didn't respond to that, "mhm?" she hummed in a questioning tone and kept looking at me while I was driving.

I quickly depressed on the brake pedal and stopped near an ice-cream store, "here". She was gonna fall back on the car window, but I held her.

She just got off the car quickly without saying anything.

What's with her? Is she okay?

I sighed and got down the car, "Myra?", she was quiet, "Myra??" I looked her.

"Myra heyy?" I held her arm tapping it gently. She glared at me cutely and lean closer to bite my arm.

"Ouch-" I hissed frowning at her, she just went in.



I was holding a glass of whiskey and enjoying the music, I'm totally fine now. I took a deep breath and walked towards my balcony feeling the breeze, I smiled looking around. It turned into a frown when i saw a man roaming around.

I gasped, " ugh not again" I rolled my eyes and quickly moved back when he looked at my direction. "Shit no" I whispered, bending my head down.

I pursed my lips and moved a little closer, he was looking up and I'm sure he cannot see me, but I can. UH maybe he can see me too? Who knows.

(Rohan's Pov)

I was really happy that I saw Tanya after many years... I wanted to talk to her, but she just left. I did go to her room, but she was too fast.

I was just walking around to actually see if she comes out again. I saw a dark figure coming out from one of the balconies, I don't know who that is, but I hope it is her.

I walked closer, and the shade disappeared ...... strange.

I stood there and continued to look at that balcony, I could see something moving but I don't know what that is for sure.

I frowned blinking my eyes, "BOOOOO" I saw someone pop up.

"WHAT THE ", I took a step back. Suddenly I heard a familiar laugh, I recognized that laugh right away, it belonged to Tanya.

"COME DOWN!" I shrieked, she looked at me but didn't respond.

"TANI!" I waved my hand at her, "what was that again?" she asked me raising her eyebrows.

"Come down! Please"

"NO" she sticked out her tongue and walked back to her room, "BLEH"

STUBBORN LADY, I'll surely deal with you.


"Will you sleep now mhm?" he asked me and ruffled my hair. I denied, "nooo"

He chuckled, "Want me to tickle you more?", "nooo" I pouted.

"Cute" he smiled, and I looked at him. It makes me happy to see him like this.

I leaned closer and kissed his forehead. He held my hands caressing them softly, before placing a soft kiss on my fingers.

I giggled when he hugged me tightly, with that, he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him.

(Viraj's Pov)

I pulled her closer to me and made her slump against my chest, she blushed.

Her face was turning red, and I chuckled. This lady is adorable and can make me go crazy. Even I couldn't believe that I waited years for her. Just for her.

I kissed her lips softly, she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me back. The kiss was passionate, and she ran her fingers on my shirt.

I let her continue, meanwhile my hands roamed all over her back and she shivered a little when I pinched her waist.

She was about to unbutton my shirt, but I grabbed her hands stopping her and pushed her down on bed.

She held her gasp and looked at me, I kissed her neck and she moaned.

I wasn't planning to do things further, but I can't hold it either. My hands moved down to cup her breasts and I leaned down to kiss her collarbone.

I heard a knock when I was almost removing her top. Fuck it.

I was honestly annoyed at this point, I sighed. "Please don't take long whatever it is". She nodded and got off the bed to open the door, that's when I saw 2 kids standing in front of her.

I rolled my eyes looking at her cousins, "why now?" I was fuming. She shrugged innocently and kissed one of her cousin's cheeks while looking at me and I raised my eyebrows.

You'll pay for this.


I was tired after dancing for so long, I was catching my breath and took a seat.

I loved this feeling. It's been a while since I danced and had fun. The last time was around a year ago, I looked at the empty seat and chuckled at myself. I was always alone, and I'm used to this. My only companions are Tanya, Isha and Myra. It would be great if they were here.

Sometimes I do feel like having a boyfriend but, "There's none who can tolerate me" I tittered softly.

(Ayaan's Pov)

I saw the girl once again, I thought she wouldn't be here, but she was. I made my way towards her and sat beside her, she seemed too lost in her thoughts.

"Hello again", I smirked, she looked at me with a blank face and took few seconds to recognize me, "Ohhh hello! " She smiled widely, "why is this so boring?" she pouted. I shrugged chuckling at her, "I don't know".

She sighed "It was always like this", "what are you talking about?" I looked at her.

"My life" she smiled slightly, I can see that it was a forced smile. It seemed like she had a bad experience, but I don't know what that is. "let's go it's late" I helped her stand, but she pushed my hands away. "Thanks, but I'm better off alone ", I chuckled. She's hot.

I followed her all the way till her car. Once she got inside her car, I walked towards mine, "hmm" I sighed getting inside my car and watched her car leave. I don't know her. Who she was, where she was from or anything about her, but I wanted to see her and know more about her.

I'll see you soon, very soon.

LOVELIES! I know, it's been really long but I've already mentioned earlier that there will be a delay in the updates. If you guys haven't checked my Instagram yet, please do. Here's the ID: darkcore_004 , for reels, posts or any new updates, follow me. Happy reading cuties!

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