𝟎𝟕𝟏 | Heather

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Love, Mariana.

Dear Diary,

Sorry for not writing in ages. Hogwarts is tiring. Ginny almost died and it was all Ophelia's dad's fault. He also got rid of Dumbledore and Hagrid for a while. Ophelia and Draco were all blamed for it. I feel bad for them. We're going home today. Exams were cancelled. Yay! I'll write at home. Sorry this is rushed. I'm getting late.


Dear Diary,

Today is the beginning of second year. Sirius Black, a dangerous wizard escaped Azkaban. He was on the muggle news. Ginny went to Egypt over the summer. Her family won a prize. She got tanned and everyone says she looks good. She's talking about Egypt, and everyone's listening. I wish I was as popular and as pretty as her.

Ophelia is sitting in a compartment alone. I saw her on my way. She's reading Antony and Cleopatra. She looks lonely. She needs a friend.

Love, Mariana.

Dear Diary,

Sirius Black is Ophelia's uncle!!! She has a very strange family. Ginny says they are all supporters of You-Know-Who, Dumbledore's enemy. You Know Who tried to kill Harry Potter when he was just a baby. The wizard world is crazy complicated. I miss Mum and Dad.


Dear Diary,

Sorry for not writing for months again. Ginny invited me to see the Quidditch World Cup with her family. Hermione Granger was there too. She's nice. I like her. I saw Ophelia and her family. They are sitting with the Minister of Magic. Lucius Malfoy looks scary. Ophelia is sitting next to her father. She looks happier than I have ever seen her in my life. She looks even more beautiful when she's smiling. Victor Krum gave her his autographed firebolt!! 

I think Ophelia likes Quidditch. She looks older than last year. 

There was attack in the forest today. Ginny's dad said it was Lucius Malfoy and his death eater friends. Hermione said death eaters all support You Know Who. We saw You Know Who's mark in the sky. I'm scared.

We go back to Hogwarts soon.


Dear Diary,

Again, I apologize for the late entry. This year there is a tournament. Harry Potter was somehow chosen to participate. He's only 14. Ginny is telling me to pray nothing happens to him. He already fought a dragon. 

Tomorrow is the Yule Ball. I wish I was going, but third years aren't allowed, unless they have a date. Ginny is going with Neville. I wish I had a date too. 

Ophelia has a date too. She's going with a boy from Durmstrang. He's sixteen. 

I'll write tomorrow.


Dear Diary,

Everyone is talking about the ball last night. Apparently, Ophelia insulted Ginny horribly, and poured the punch over Draco's friend. 

blood like gasoline | 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐭Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora