chapter 31

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Before starting the story i want to tell two things'

1.   i introduced a new character in the last chapter, comment me if you have any opinion on his story.

2.  i already write this whole story in my copy, but after looking at you guys reaction on my story i choose to delay the story.

Tears are the words that mouth can't say not the heart bears.



Author pov!

After running out of the palace Rudra takes his car and drives aimlessly somewhere.

The car was at its full speed, Rudra who was driving the car and dodging many cars and trucks or any vehicle somehow reached the outskirts of the city.

His anger, worry, helplessness were on another level and can clearly be shown in his face, the person who was trained to hide his emotions from his childhood from others, even from his own family members.

Now that same emotions came out of his eyes like a flood. With a jerk he applied the break after reaching the cliff.

The whole surrounding was silent, coming out of the car he looked at his surroundings and fell on the ground on his knees totally broken from inside and outside both.

" ahhhhhhhh "

He shout punching the metallic surface of the car. Which caused his knuckle to cover in bruises and start paining but there was nothing in front of the unbearable pain of his heart.

It feel like the air suffocating him even the scream produced from his mouth was less than the pain which he feeling inside. Like someone tears his heart apart into pieces.

Sebastian pov!

After Rudra went out of the palace, me and Yuvraj followed from behind knowing that this stone hearted person will never show his emotions to anybody and i know in this situation, where he might be going right now.

Somewhere, were nobody can able to see his emotions. It still dangerous to let him out of the palace knowing that right now he is nothing less than a wounded devil, a lion who went out for hunt and will not come before securing his angle in his arms.

Right now he is able to kill each and every enemies of ours, because other than our enemy who would had guts to touch his angle.

Reaching at the car Yuvraj take the driving seat and i take the passenger seat still tracking the location of the last number called to my little sister.

My whole concentration was on my phone but still i can feel the way Yuvraj is driving the car.

I look forward and can clearly see the stupid stone is driving his car like it's his last day on the earth.

From where the heck that blind person gave him the driving license. Even a new comer drive 100 times better than him.

I swear if he lost any of his body part or get fractured because of this foolish act, then i will hide my little sister somewhere far away from him and never let him meet her.

After feeling like ages, finally this shit decided to stop the car but where a fucking cliff.

This mad man, after that Yuvraj too stop the car in little distance from his and both of us came out of the car and was about to run toward him but before that we can do that, he scream and start punching the car madly.

And you know what i was an inches away from beating the shit out of him. I know he is sad, worried but this is not the way of reacting right now.

Instead of finding her, this mad shit is crying at such abandoned place, even if someone wants to came here they can't because this shit scream is enough to prove this place haunted.

 for a few minutes we let him cry like this but when he suddenly stopped punching the car, Yuvraj   ran toward him taking him in his embrace.

" shh calm down"

Yuvraj said patting his head but you know what he did instead of listening to him, he { Rudra }start wiggling in his arms trying to come out of his embrace.

Now enough of him, i went toward them and snatched Rudra out of Yuvraj hold and pushed him toward the car bonnet.

" what the fuck is wrong with you"

" do you really think, if you behave like this my sister will come ah"

Pushing him, i turn toward Yuvraj  giving him the task to handle this shit.

i know he is not in a right mind, otherwise till now he would have thrown me off the cliff.

" they are safe, nothing happened to them"

Yuvraj said cupping his face, eww don't do that bro this beast, this is the first time i saw the sweet and calm pampering of him, which i can't handle.

" yeah the accident site where we found the car was of them but not the bodies which totally burned, we confirmed after the post-mortem report"

" someone is playing with us"

i said punching the car's bonnet.

Author pov!

Rudra who just came to his senses, went toward Sebastain and asked

" where are they?"

he ask with his eyes darkened. Now the beast inside him is uncaged and the silent cliff is now surrounded with dark aura.

" the last number from which they called her, located a few kilometres from here"

" show me"

saying that Rudra went inside his car with the other two.

Now the game begins.

tell me how many times Sebastain call Rudra shit.

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