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Time is simply a social construct. Humans, this world, all stay within the idea that once you die, you are gone forever. Religion may say otherwise. Everything you know is a lie.

The 8 districts (IO, Saturn, Mars, etc) house our inhabitants, each different by a mile.

However, in District Saturn, resides a young girl, cursed by something wretched.

Her name is Majo. Her old name had been lost to time.

Long ago, she sold her soul to, on basic terms, the Devil, Lillian. The Mist, the mortal veil, what makes the world not fall into chaos to the unimaginable horror of magic.

Most think magic is much more light, though, Majo knows the truth. She's been tortured, seen this story again and again, and has to deal with it. Though...

She can go back. Easier than most. After you die, you relive your life. You won't remember your last "run". But she can.

And it's horrifying.

The promise of dreams and escapism is simply a delusion Lillian put on the young, impressionable girl.

An abused, isolated girl with no friends and a horrible family life? Easily manipulated.

But one day, the story changed. For better... Or for worse.

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