XV. | Lunch, Round 2?

Start from the beginning

"You have to invite them in" Angelica explained. Kai's eyes widened

"Oh! I was wondering why they were just standing there. Yeah, come in all of you" Kai said. The group of vampires entered the house and immediately went to the dining room. They set down the bags of take out. Caroline using her vamp speed set the table and placed food where it needed to go. Nugget strolled in and began rubbing her head against Enzo's leg

"You have a cat?" Enzo asked

"Yes, we do. Isn't she the cutest?" Angelica asked with a smile before she sat down at the table. Kai sat next to her. Everyone else took their seats as well

"She is quite adorable" Enzo said still staring at the cat. Kai was still confused on why they were here

"So, what made you decide to come over?" Kai asked, knowing that majority of their little group hated his guts

"Well, we heard what happened. We wanted to show our support" Elena said with a shy smile

"I'm sorry you he- you told them?!" Kai asked, genuinely upset at Angelica. Her eyes widened as she stared at him

"I didn't say anything to anyone other than Caroline because Carol- Caroline!" Angelica shouted as she stared at the blonde. Caroline's face morphed into one of 'What did I do?!'

"I'm sorry, it was traumatic for me too! I went home and cried and Stefan showed up and was comforting me and so I ended up telling him what happened. But I swear I only told him!" Caroline defended. Kai was extremely uncomfortable right now. He pinched the bridge of his nose as he exhaled

"I may have told Elena.. I mean, it just slipped" Stefan said

"I didn't tell anyone! So I don't know how Enzo found out" Elena admitted

"Oh, Damon heard you on the phone with Stefan. He texted me" Enzo admitted

"Wow.. I don't know what to say.. So does everyone know now?! You all just gossiping about how I tried kill myself.. that's nice.. wow" Kai said utterly unsure on how to react

"Don't say it like that! We weren't gossiping. But would you like me to lie to you about everyone knowing? Because I can" Caroline said. Kai shook his head annoyed

"Look, when Damon finds out, everyone finds out. He just can't shut his little mouth! Like, when he found out I slept with Klaus, he told everyone and then shamed me for it!" Caroline ranted. Angelica nodded

"Oh, can't forget the time I made a comment about how Mason Lockwood was cute.. he told everyone I slept with the guy" Angelica said rolling her eyes

"I know he's my boyfriend but you guys are so right" Elena said. Kai was awkwardly messing with his food which Angelica picked up on. She put a hand on his knee, trying to comfort him. Kai seemed to relax at her touch and began to eat

"But, let's gossip for real because bitch I have steaming hot tea!" Caroline exclaimed

"Yes queen, tell us" Enzo said dramatically which made Angelica laugh. Caroline clapped eagerly

"Okay, so like remember when Liv showed up and ruined my lunch when she decided to try and kill Kai?" Caroline asked. Kai side eyed her

"I think we all remember considering we were there" Stefan pointed out

"Okay, well anyways.. it turns out that Tyler broke up with Liv after.. yeah so they're no longer together. Tyler's become a little alcoholic since then. Oh, and Bonnie and Jeremy broke up, too" Caroline said. Elena's eyebrows furrowed

"What?!" She asked

"Yeah, Jeremy said he couldn't do it anymore. Bonnie wasn't giving him enough energy.. but I mean, we all knew that. They just didn't feel as strongly about each other as they used to" Caroline said as she munched on a French fry

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